Brexit: Vrijeme je za drugaiju europsku suradnju

27 lipnja 2016

Stranka za životinje smatra da Brexit ne može ostati bez posljedica, što se tie načina suradnje u Europi. “Ishod britanskog referenduma poziva na novo razmišljanje o brzom vlaku europske integracije i o prijenosu ovlasti i suverenih prava,” kaže Marianne Thieme.


Glas mnogih Britanaca nije bio protiv Europe, nego protiv načina na koji se sada vlada iz Bruxellesa: na centraliziran i nedemokratski način. Kada je postalo jasno da Euro ne djeluje kao vezivo veuzrokuje podjelu unutar Europe, reakcija mnogih tradicionalnih političkih stranaka bila je da se zbog toga treba ubrzati daljna intergracija.

Da birači o tome drugačije misle nego stara politika, nije samo bilo vidljivo pri nizozemskom referendumu o sporazumu s Ukrajinom, vei na Brexit-referendumu.

Stranka za životinje zatražiti će saborsku raspravu o Brexitu, za istraživanje novih oblika europske suradnje, kako na političkom taki i na monetarnom terenu.

The Party for the Animals believes Brexit cannot leave cooperation within the EU unaffected. “The outcome of the British referendum calls for a new period of reflection on the ever onward-rushing train of European integration and transfer of power,” says Marianne Thieme.


Many Britons did not vote against Europe, but against the centralised and not very democratic way in which Europe is governed in Brussels. When it became clear that the euro served as a divisive element rather than a binding agent within Europe, many traditional political parties claimed that a stronger emphasis should be put on accelerated and more intensive integration.

That voters did not share this opinion of the old politics not only became clear during the Dutch referendum on the association agreement, but also from the results of the UK´s EU referendum (Brexit).

In the parliamentary debate on Brexit, the Party for the Animals will request research into new forms of European cooperation, on a political as well as a monetary level.