Worldlog Tjedan 9 – 2014
Uspjeh! Naša je inicijativa prihvaćena i došao je kraj mučenju kokoši, purica i pataka namijenjenih za klanje! U Nizozemskoj se godišnje zakolje gotovo 450 milijuna kokoši i pataka. Mnoštvo klaonica u Nizozemskoj ove životinje žive vješa naopačke i to je vješanje vrlo okrutno. Naime, izaziva izniman strah i stres u životinjama jer im se pritom na vrlo bolan način probijaju kosti i mišići.
Cijeli je proces klanja životinjama ispunjen strahom, boli i stresom. Vješanje kokoši i drugih ptica je iznimno okrutan način klanja na što je Zastupnički dom konačno rekao dosta. Državni je tajnik Ekonomskih Poslova htio o ovoj metodi prodiskutirati na Europskoj razini, no to nije bilo dovoljno Zastupničkom domu koji se založio za nacionalnu zabranu.
Prošlog sam tjedna uručila inicijativu za instaliranje solarnih panela oko zračne luke Shiphol. Ovo bi bilo dobro za sigurnost, ali i okoliš. U Nizozemskoj se vodi rasprava o mogućim sudarima zrakoplova i velikih ptica poput gusaka. Desetak je tisuća gusaka ubijeno u cijeloj provinciji Noord-Holland pod izlikom preopterećenja i sigurnosti zračnog prostora. Besmisleno i okrutno. Područje oko Shiphola je u posljednjem desetljeću postalo vrlo privlačno guskama zbog raslinja bogatog proteinima. Područja na kojima su solarne panele nisu takva. Solarne panele su izvrsne za zračne luke. Njemačka je već na pet svojih zračnih luka, oko pista, instalirala solarne panele, a ima ih i u Denveru (SAD) i New Delhiju!
Internacionalizacija Stranke za životinje se nastavlja. U siječnju sam bila u Portugalu i sad me već čekaju dvije pozivnice. Krajem ožujka ću vjerojatno opet za Madrid u posjet PACMA-i, Španjolskoj stranci za životinje. U travnju sam pozvana na Cipar kako bih govorila na kongresu o tek osnovanoj stranci za životinje. Jako zabavno! Te se stranke spremaju za Europske izbore 22. svibnja i žele surađivati kako bi biračima jasno dali do znanja da Europa mora krenuti u posve drugom smjeru.
To se očitovala i prošlog tjedna kad se državna tajnica Dijksma izjasnila da neće uvesti zabranu uvoza foie grasa (povećana jetra guske ili patke koja se dobiva prisilnim hranjenjem) u Nizozemsku, jer Europa to ne bi dozvolila. Europa je česta izlika državnicima da izbjegnu uvođenje zakona za bolju zaštitu životinja, prirode i okoliša. Europa tako postaje vrlo moćna izlika, kao što je sad za zabranu uvoza foie grasa.
Divota! Save every tree as if it’s the last.
Šokantno! Britanska vojska vježba sa svojim AK-47 na živim svinjama. Zajedno sa svojom prijateljicom Esther Ouwehand postavila sam Zastupničko pitanje o korištenju živih svinja za vojne vježbe u Nizozemskoj.
Danska je zabranila ritualna klanja bez uspavljivanja! Moj je prijedlog o zabrani ritualnih klanja bez uspavljivanja prošao u Zastupničkom domu, no nije prošao u Gornjem domu. Trenutno sastavljam novi prijedlog. Iduće godine se biraju novi zastupnici Gornjeg doma i želim obraniti svoj prijedlog pred novim predstavnicima.
Prije nekoliko je tjedana jedna Nizozemska poljoprivrednica objavila fotografiju pothlađenih praščića koji su ušima bili zalijepljeni za kantu tople vode. Upitala sam državnog tajnika da li je to dobar primjer animal friendly svinjogojstva. Smatrala je da nije, te je ukazala na rješenje ovih Kanadskih poljoprivrednika.
Potpiši i ovo da zaštitiš divlje životinje na Malawi od bespilotnih letjelica lovaca.
Do idućeg tjedna,
Success! Our motion to put an end to stringing up live chickens, turkeys and ducks for slaughtering was passed! In the Netherlands, more than 450 million chickens and ducks are slaughtered every year. In a large part of slaughterhouses in the Netherlands, these animals are strung up on hooks alive. Stringing up of animals is cruel: it causes fear and stress and is very painful because of broken bones and ripped muscles.
For animals, the slaughtering process is always accompanied by fear, pain and stress. Stringing up chickens and other birds is a cruel slaughter method, of which Parliament now says that it must stop. The State Secretary of Economic Affairs only wanted to bring this method up for questioning in Europe. Parliament found this insufficient and fortunately clearly expressed itself in favour of a national ban.
Last week, I tabled a motion to place solar cells at and around Schiphol airport. This is good for the environment as well as safety. In the Netherlands, there is a debate going on about the danger of large birds, such as geese, colliding with planes. Tens of thousands of geese in the entire province of North Holland have been gassed or shot dead under the pretext of nuisance and air safety. Senseless and cruel. Over the past decades, however, the area around Schiphol was made very attractive to geese as a result of cultivation of high-protein crops and pastures. Areas with solar cells are not attractive to geese. Solar cells are perfectly applicable around airports. Germany has already installed solar panels around the landing strips of five airports and these panels are also being placed in Denver (US) and Delhi!
The internationalisation of the Party for the Animals continues. In January, I was in Portugal and two more invitations came in. Probably at the end of March, I am going to Madrid for a meeting of PACMA, the Spanish Party for the Animals. And I have been invited to come to Cyprus in April to speak at a conference of the recently founded party for the animals. Really great! The parties are preparing themselves for the European elections on 22 May next and would like to work together so as to explain to voters that Europe has to drastically change its course.
That became clear again last week, when State Secretary Dijksma announced not to implement an import ban on foie gras (goose and duck liver from forced-fed animals) in the Netherlands, as this would not be allowed by Europe. All too often, Europe is an excuse for Member States for not making rules to improve the protection of animals, nature and the environment. Europe is also regularly merely an obstacle, like now, with regard to the necessary import ban on foie gras. According to her, Europe does not allow that.
Beautiful! Save every tree as if it’s the last.
Shocking! The British army trains on live pigs with AK-47 firearms. Together with my colleague Esther Ouwehand, I asked questions in Parliament about the use of live animals in military training in the Netherlands.
Denmark outlaws ritual slaughter without stunning! My legislative proposal to prohibit ritual slaugther without stunning was adopted in the House of Representatives, but unfortunately it was rejected in the Senate. I am currently preparing a new legislative proposal. Next year, a new Senate will be elected, which is when I would like to defend the legislative proposal in the new Senate.
A few weeks ago, a Dutch farmer posted a photo of undercooled piglets that were attached to a bucket of warm water by their ears. I asked the State Secretary whether she thought this was an example of animal-friendly cattle farming. She did not, and pointed out the solution of these Canadian farmers.
And please sign to protect wildlife in Malawi against drones of hunters.
Until next week,