Worldlog Tjedan 7 – 2014
Kabinet mora, zahvaljujući našoj inicijativi, u EU glasati PROTIV genetski manipuliranog kukuruza! Kabinet se u Bruxellesu htio suzdržati od kontroverznog glasanja, no Zastupnički se dom na sreću nije složio. Više o ovoj temi u mom prošlotjednom Worldlogu.
Kabinet prilaže pregled koliko se često provode najavljene i nenajavljene kontrole u govedarskoj industriji, prijevozu i klaonicama. Obećali su razmotriti i moguće obveze klaonica da javno objavljuju imena trgovina kojima su isporučili sumnjivo meso. Konačno idemo u dobrom smjeru nadziranja „mesne prijevare“ i životinjske patnje u ovom dobu intenzivnog govedarstva.
Doznala sam da se u sjevernoj Francuskoj planira velika akcija istrijebljenja lisica. Nevjerojatno! Nacionalna organizacija RAC koja se bavi ukidanjem lova, organizira veliku akciju u Lilleu 15. veljače.
U Francuskoj se fanatično lovi, no na sreću ima sve više Francuza koji se protive lovu kao sportu.
U Nizozemskoj smo održali debatu o ilegalnom lovu u Nizozemskoj. Vjerujem da su krivolovci, lovci koji love bez dozvole, a s druge strane lovci s dozvolom ilegalno love. Mnogo je lovaca uhvaćeno na djelu dok su ilegalno ubijali divlje svinje, dok su drugi u nedozvoljenim satima lovili srne. Da stvar bude još bolja, prošlog su tjedna uhvatili top lobista Nizozemskih lovaca, direktora Lovačkog društva Kraljevine Nizozemske zajedno s kolegom lovcem, kako koriste ilegalnu zviždaljku za mamljenje gusaka. Dvojac je još i pokušao skriti zviždaljku u raslinje, no policija se svojim čvrstim istupom nije dala omesti. Direktor trenutno nema aktivnu funkciju, no ono što je zabrinjavajuće jest moralnost ovog sektora. Manjak nadzora, mnogo zaobilaženja zakona. Stvara se slika da se zakonom štite životinje, no u praksi se toj zaštiti ne mogu stvarno nadati. Državni tajnik se čvrsto drži ideje o zajedničkoj borbi zakona i lovaca protiv krivolova… Nastavlja se.
Ovog sam tjedna u Zastupničkom domu vodila razgovor s anti-krivolov policijom (Wildlife Rangers) iz Kenije. Upozorili su da legalni lov na trofeje u Keniji samo potiče krivolov i da je pritom mnogo kompliciranije uloviti krivolovce. Mi u Nizozemskoj moramo, dakle, snažno istupiti protiv turističkog lova!
Prošlog su petka započele Zimske olimpijske igre u Sočiju. Soči se s otrovom pobrinuo za pse lutalice. Prošle smo godine postavili Zastupničko pitanje o toj temi. Nažalost, naša vlada to smatra ruskim problemom i ne želi ništa poduzeti. Sport mora ostati sport. Ne tražimo od naših predstavnika da zbog toga bojkotiraju Olimpijske igre. Naglašavamo da, s druge strane, mislimo da naš ministar-predsjednik, ministri, Kralj i Kraljica moraju odbiti putovanje u Soči. Nazočnost delagacije nizozemske vlade, te Kralja i Kraljice, može stvoriti sliku da Nizozemska odobrava Putinovu vladu. To je izuzetno nepoželjno.
Mislimo da je izuzetno bitno da se Nizozemska zalaže za ljudska prava diljem svijeta. Ekonomske potrebe ni u kojem slučaju ne smiju dobiti prednost pred ljudskim pravima. Nažalost, to se u zadnje vrijeme često događa, čak i kad su u pitanju ljudska prava u Rusiji. Izgleda da je trgovanje između Nizozemske i Rusije u ovom trenutku mnogo bitnije od provođenja ljudskih prava.
Životinje mogu komotno postati nevidljive. No, nemojmo ih zato i zanemariti 😉 via @fascinatingpics.
Do idućeg tjedna!
Thanks to our motion, government will have to vote in the EU AGAINST admitting genetically manipulated maize! Government wanted to abstain from voting in Brussels on the controversial GM crop, but Parliament fortunately did not approve of that. Read more on this in my Worldlog of last week.
Government will provide an overview of how often unannounced and announced inspections are conducted in the cattle industry, transport and slaughterhauses. They also promised to look at a potential obligation for slaughterhouses to disclose shops to whom they delivered suspicious meat. At last, steps in the right direction to address “meat fraud” and animal suffering in intensive farming.
I have heard that a major action is in the making to exterminate foxes the north of France. Unbelievable! A national organisation involved in the abolition of hunting, RAC, has organised a huge campaign in Lille on 15 February. In France, hunting is done fanatically, but fortunately an increasing number of French people oppose hunting and let themselves be heard.
In the Netherlands, we had a debate on poaching in the Netherlands. I argued that poachers are hunters without permits and hunters are poachers with permits. Recently, hunters were caught in the act while illegally shooting swines and other hunters while illegally shooting a red deer in the nighttime. Worse even, last week, the top lobbyist of Dutch hunters, the director of the Royal Dutch Hunters Association (KNJV), was caught using a goose call illegally with a hunting mate. The duo tried to quickly hide the call in the reeds, but thanks to bold action of the Frisian police they were still caught in the act. Meanwhile, the KNJV director has been suspended, but the incident is indicative of the ethics in the field. Poor supervision, plenty of violations of the law. This is another example of the fact that, although animals enjoy legal protection, they still cannot count on actual protection. The State Secretary still sticks to the idea that she intends to combat poaching together with the hunters… To be continued.
Last week, I spoke in Parliament with the anti-poaching police (Wildlife Rangers) from Kenya. They said that legal trophy hunting leads to an increase in poaching in Kenya and makes it extremely complicated to track down poachers. In the Netherlands, we will therefore have to take strong action against hunting tourism!
Last Friday, the Winter Games began in Sochi. Sochi has “cleared” its stray dogs with poison and traps. We already asked questions about this in Parliament last year. Unfortunately, our Government feels this is a matter of Russia and does not intend to do anything about it.
Sports must remain sports. We therefore do not expect sportsmen to boycott the Olympics. However, we feel emphatically that our Prime Minister, ministers and the King and Queen should refrain from travelling to Sochi. If a delegation of Dutch government and the King and Queen are present, it may give the idea that the Netherlands do not reject Putin’s policy. This is highly undesirable.
We find it very important that the Netherlands stand up for human rights worldwide. Under no circumstance should economic interests take priority over the promotion of human rights. Unfortunately, however, this is what is happening regularly now, also when it comes to violations of human rights in Russia. It certainly seems that Government finds commercial interests of the Netherlands with Russia more important than respect for human rights.
Animals can make themselves virtually invisible. But let’s not overlook them 😉 via @fascinatingpics.
Until next week!