Worldlog Tjedan 48 – 2013
Prošlog sam tjedna pomogla pozivnom timu giro555 tako što sam prikupljala donacije za pomoć stradalima na Filipinima. Osim toga, ljudi su se mogli cijenkati za mog Colberta koji se nalazi i na jednom od naših plakata.
Photo Credit: Pio Arce/Genesis Photos – World Vision
Jako me zabrinjava rastući broj prirodnih katastrofa. Stručnjaci na području klimatskih promjena upozoravaju kako je globalno zatopljenje vjerojatni uzrok razarajućim prirodnim katastrofama. Naravno, ne znamo da li je tajfun Haiyan izravna posljedica klimatskih promjena, no ja se vodim „no regret“ scenarijem i kažem: svi smo odgovorni za klimatske promjene i vrijeme je da svi nešto poduzmemo i počnemo drugačije živjeti. Mi smo jedina politička stranka koja je napravila dokumentarac na tu temu:
Klimatske promjene snažno utječu na zemlje poput Filipina. Vrijeme je da mi sa Zapada preuzmemo odgovornost za naše pretjerano emitiranje štetnih plinova i pomognemo tim zemljama. Britanski se premijer Cameron također zalaže za „no regret“ scenarij. Jedan od rijetkih trenutaka kada se slažem s njime…
Ovo je također zanimljiv članak: Turning point in how West thinks about climate change?
Filipinski je klimatski pregovarač, Nadarev Sano, izjavio : ‘Typhoon Haiyan the result of climate change’
Naš je film „Zec u maratonu“, koji govori o povijesti naše stranke, osvojio nagradu „Best Documentary on Animal Advocacy“ na Internacionalnom filmskom festivalu STEPS u Ukrajini. Lijepo je što jedan filmski festival podupire raspravu o ljudima, životinjskim pravima i očuvanju prirode u Ukrajini. To je tamo zaista jako potrebno. Još nisi pogledao/la „Zeca u maratonu“? Možeš ga vidjeti ovdje.
Organizacija za dobrobit životinja PETA napravila je filmić o zastrašujućoj istina koja se krije iza proizvodnje angora vune u Kini. Oprez: prizori su šokantni. Filmić ima doista jasnu poruku: Ne kupujte odjeću od angora vune! Prošlog sam tjedna postavila nekoliko zastupničkih pitanja vezana za uvoz proizvoda od angora vune iz Kine. Želimo Europsku zabranu uvoza proizvoda od angora vune. Dok ova zabrana ne stupi na snagu, potreban je jasan sistem etiketiranja odjevnih predmeta, tako da ljudi svjesno mogu odbiti kupnju odjeće od angora vune (iz Kine).
Foto: Picasa/wesphetvoetje
Prošlog sam tjedna sudjelovala u debati o budućnosti naše ishrane. Tokom debate ponovno sam istaknula kako bi nam bile potrebne četiri zemaljske kugle kad bi diljem svijeta preuzeli nizozemski način ishrane. Bill Gates izjavio je kako je budućnost mesa u povrću. I to je tako.
U Norveškoj se, primjerice, norveška vojska bori protiv novog neprijatelja: klimatske promjena. Njihovo je oružje MeatFreeMonday. Ovdje možeš pročitati više o toj temi.
Potpiši i peticiju protiv Američke lovkinje na trofeje, Melisse Bachman, kako bi joj onemogučili pristup Južnoj Africi. Na njezinoj web stranici možete vidjeti kakve gnjusne lovačke pohode promovira ova američka glumica.
Nedavno smo Bobu Barkeru, televizijskoj zvijezdi iz Sjedinjenih Država, poslali priznanje za njegov izvanredan rad u poboljšanju dobrobiti životinja u bio-industriji. Bio je izuzetno počašćen, te je prošlog tjedan dao izjavu u medijima. Lijepo! Izjavio je: : “I’m touched and moved to receive this recognition for my efforts to correct the inhumane treatment of farm animals. It’s gratifying and reassuring to know that this call to action is heard across international borders and leads to this kind of responsible political activism.”
Svakog tjedna još malo reklamiram naš prekrasan simpozij u Istanbulu koji se održava 12. i 13. prosinca. Još uvijek se možeš pridružiti!
Do idućeg tjedna,
Last week, I was given the opportunity to support the response team of the Dutch relief effort, giro 555, by registering donations to help the people of the Philippines. In addition, bids could be made for my jacket shown on one of our campaign posters.
Photo Credit: Pio Arce/Genesis Photos – World Vision
I am extremely worried about the increasing number of natural disasters and the intensity with which they occur. Climate experts have affirmed that global warming causes severe natural disasters. Naturally, we do not know whether the typhoon Haiyan is a direct consequence of climate change, but I assume a no regret scenario: we are partly responsible for climate change, so let us now take real action to minimise our share by changing our way of life. We are the only political party who has made a documentary on the subject matter:
Climate change has major impacts, particularly on countries such as the Philippines. Let us from the West take responsibility for the consequences of our gigantic emissions of greenhouse gases and help those countries. Cameron, the prime minister of the United Kingdom also advocates a no regret scenario. It is one of the few occasions I agree with him …
Here is another interesting article: Turning point in how West thinks about climate change?
Naderev Sano, a climate negotiator of the Philippines has stated: ‘Typhoon Haiyan the result of climate change’
During the STEPS international Film Festival in Ukraine, our film ‘The Pacer in the Marathon’, on the history of the Party for the Animals (PvdD), has won the award for Best Documentary on Animal Advocacy. It is good that a film festival further boosts the discussion in Ukraine on human and animal rights and nature preservation. It is badly needed there. Have you not seen The Pacer in the Marathon yet? You can watch it here.
The Dutch animal welfare organisation PETA has made a short film on the gruesome truth behind the ‘production’ of angora wool in China. Beware: the images are shocking. It is a film with a very clear message: Do not buy angora sweaters! Last week, I asked parliamentary questions about the import of angora products from China. We want a European import ban on angora products. As long as the ban is not in place, there must be a clear labelling system, so that people can choose not to buy angora sweaters (from China).
Foto: Picasa/wesphetvoetje
Last week, I participated in a debate about the future of our food. In the debate, I reiterated that if Dutch consumption patterns were to be adopted globally, we would need four globes. Bill Gates has said that the future of meat is plant-based. And so it is.
In Norway, for instance, the Norwegian army is going to combat a new enemy: climate change. Their weapon is a MeatFreeMonday. Read more about it here.
Sign the petition to deny American trophy hunter Melissa Bachman access to South Africa. On her website, you will see what horrible hunting practices this American actress promotes.
Some time ago, we sent a certificate of appreciation to Bob Barker, a major TV personality from the United States, for his remarkable work on improving animal welfare of animals in factory farming. He was very honoured and issued a press release about it last week. Great! He wrote in his press release: “I’m touched and moved to receive this recognition for my efforts to correct the inhumane treatment of farm animals. It’s gratifying and reassuring to know that this call to action is heard across international borders and leads to this kind of responsible political activism.”
Every week, I spend a few words to promote our wonderful symposium in Istanbul on 12 and 13 December. You can still register!