Worldlog Tjedan 4 – 2014
Želim da Vlada zaustavi dalji razvoj laboratorijskih staja. Ove, gotovo hermetički, zatvorene staje sa automatskom klimatološkom regulacijom, u kojoj rade ljudi obućeni od glave do pete u sterilna odjela, aposlutno nisu rješenje za problema antibiotika (iako stočarska industrija suprotno tvrdi).
Državni tajnik Ekonomskih Poslova Dijksema je dao nažalost slobodu ovome sektoru da sami riješe problem upotrebe antibiotika. Kažem nažalost zato sto mjere koje su u ovom sektoru poduzimaju vode do razvoja sterilnih staja u kojima su životni uvjeti životinja jos vise udaljeni od njihovih (životinjskih) prirodnih potreba.
Bio-industrija je uzrok širenja bolesti. Stočne bolesti kao što su upala pluća, šepanje i respiratorni problemi , su posljedica neprirodnog načina boravka životinja u totalno zatvorenim stajama. U nizozemskom stočarskom sektoru se upotrebljava toliko antibiotika da uzročnici bolesti postaju imuni. Otpornost na antibiotike donosi rizike koje su opasne po život, za ljude i životinje. To mora prestati!
The New York Times također signalizira rast svijesti diljem svijeta o nepravdi koju mi nanosimo životinjama.
Najnoviji skandal mesa se opet manifestirao u Nizozemskoj. Ovo je također vijest koja je odjeknula izvan granica Nizozemske.
Bila sam 11 siječnja (kao sto sam najavila prosli tjedan) u Portugalu i na Madeiri u posjeti nasoj sestrinskoj organizaciji PAN. Ljudi iz PANa su mi rekli da svijest o tome što sve činimo životinjama veoma raste u Portugalu. Ljepo je bilo se sresti s dosta Nizozemaca, koji su bili došli čak iz sjevernog Portugala i Algarve. Imala sam stvarno ukusnu vegansku večeru u restoranu Jardim das Cerejas.
Priroda na Madeiri je ranjiva i sve više i više ljudi žele zaštititi tu prirodu kojoj priete mnogi građevinskih planovi. Prikazivanje našeg filma „Zec u maratonu“ održano je na Univerzitetu Madeire, koj je jedna prekrasna stara zgrada. Osim toga, Stranka za Životinje u Madeiri je trenutno dio političke koalicije glavnog grada Funchal.
Naš film o deset godina postojanja Stranke za Životinje,” Zec u maratonu”, je ponovo selektiran za prikazivanje na raznim međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. Super! “Zec u maratonu” će biti u veljači prikazan na barem dva festivala u SAD-u: na Floridi i u Gainesvillu, Kalifornija. Film će u 2014 također biti prikazan u tri grada, na engleskom festivalu “VegFest Britanija”:u Brightonu, Bristolu i Londonu.
Na Twitteru redovito dobivam prekrasne slike. Ocarana sam ovim neobičnim prijateljstvom između životinja tako da to svakako želim da sa vama podijelim. Ova priča o usamljenom kitu je veoma dirljiva.
Google je prošlog tjedna širom svijeta obilježio 82. rođendan Dian Fossey. Dian Fossey je istraživačica iz SAD-a koja je godinama promatrala gorile u Ruandi. Ona je napisala knjigu “Gorile u magli”, koja je kasnije pretvorena u film. Ovdje možete pogledati slike ove izvanredne žene.
Steve Cutts je napravio vrlo privlačnu animaciju kako bi prikazao svoju viziju o američkom lovačkom fanatiku, Melissa Bachman. Pogledajte “Kakav lov!”/” What a hunt” ovdje!
Ovaj tjedan se po prvi put moj WorldLog može na arapskom jeziku pročitati. Worldlog se sada moze na ukupno 11 jezika čitati. Nadam se da će ih uskoro biti mnogo više.
Do skorog viđenja,
I want the government to stop the development of laboratory stables. These closed off, climate controlled stables, where livestock breeders cover themselves from top to toe in sterile plastic and which no one is allowed to enter, are far from a solution to the Antibiotic Problem (as is argued by the livestock industry).
State Secretary Dijksma for Economic Affairs still gives livestock breeders and vets the freedom to choose which measures they want to take to reduce the use of antibiotics. This has led to the development of sterile stables , where the living conditions of livestock retreat even further from the natural requirements of livestock.
Factory farming is literally sick making. The unnatural way in which animals live in almost locked stables causes animals to catch diseases, such as pneumonia, claw disorders and breathing problems. The great amount of antibiotics used at Dutch livestock farms has caused pathogens to become immune. Antibiotics resistance causes life-threathening risks for humans and animals. It must be stopped!
The New York Times has signalled a growing awareness worldwide of the injustice that we cause to animals.
The following meat scandal has manifested in the Netherlands. This is also news outside the borders of the Netherlands.
During the weekend of 11 January, I stayed in Portugal and on Madeira, as I told you last week, and visited our sister party PAN. The people of PAN told me that the awareness of what harm we do to animals is increasingly growing in Portugal. It was nice to meet the significant number of Dutch people that had come to the meeting especially from the North of Portugal and the Algarve. I had a delicious vegan meal in the restaurant Jardim das Cerejas.
Madeira has vulnerable nature and more and more people wish to protect that nature against many building plans. Our film The Pacer in the Marathon was shown in the University of Madeira, a beautiful old building. The Party for the Animals on Madeira forms part of the coalition government in the capital Funchal.
Our film about ten years of the Party for the Animals, The Pacer in the Marathon, was again selected for various international festivals. Brilliant! The Pacer in the Marathon will in any way be shown at two festivals in February in the United States: in Florida and in Gainesville, California. The film will also be shown in three cities during the English VegFest UK; in Brighton, Bristol and London.
I regularly receive beautiful pictures on Twitter. I would like to share these unusual animal friendships with you. And this story too about the lonely whale can be called moving.
Last week, Google commemorated the 82nd birthday of Dian Fossey. Dian Fossey was a researcher from the United States , who observed gorillas in Rwanda for years. She wrote the book Gorillas in the Mist, which was later turned into a film. See pictures of this special lady here.
Steve Cutts created a very fascinating animation to make his vision on the American hunting fanatic Melissa Bachman known. See What a hunt here!
This week the first Arabic translation of my Worldlog will be published. The Worldlog can be read in 11 languages already. Hopefully this will be more soon.
See you soon,