Worldlog Marianne Thieme 3. travnja 2018

3 travnja 2018

Great breakthrough! With no less than 33 seats in municipal councils, we made a spectacular growth at the municipal elections of 21 March last. Our number of seats in the municipal councils almost trebled. We celebrated this in our party’s room with vegan cake and campaign. Increasingly more voters want to end the stone age and the large-scale de-greening. We will be the green anchor in all municipalities where we participated, in the opposition or in a coalition. Voters, campaign team, all active members and supporters all over the world: Thanks!

Marianne and the rest of the group celebrating

In March, there were also elections in Australia in the State of South Australia where there were 58 seats in total to be divided. Our sister party Animal Justice Party (AJP) participated in these elections for the first time and won thousands of votes but unfortunately not enough for a seat. The Australian voting system makes it hard for small parties to gain a seat. With this election result, however, AJP has shown that it is a serious political factor which other parties must consider. The result shows that increasingly more Australians want a society that is led by compassion, sustainability, and respect for all living creatures! Congratulations, AJP and Australians!

Campaign by Animal Justice Party South Australia

On the 16th of March, I submitted a new legislative proposal for a general obligation to stun all animals before they are slaughtered. In the Netherlands there already is a statutory obligation to stun animals before they are slaughtered, but an exception is made for halal and kosher slaughter. We want to cancel that exception. The mutandis slaughter of animals leads to unacceptable animal suffering. Although every religious person has the right to live his religious truth the way he wants to, it does not give him the right to infringe other beliefs or the welfare of humans or animals. The religion of the slaughter should not make a difference for an animal. But meanwhile we will of course continue to fight against factory farming as a whole!

People sometimes think that everything is organised well where it concerns animal welfare. Last week, the supervisor of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) found that poultry farms often deliberately violate animal welfare and food safety regulations . It still happens too often that animals, for example, have too little food and drinking water. It is high time that the Minister of Agriculture starts to tackle this seriously. We have already asked questions in the Lower House.

Anja Hazekamp at the roundtable in the European Parliament on spring hunting

News from our European political party. Our MEP Anja Hazekamp has taken the lead in the fight against the hunting of migratory birds on Malta. Together with other members of the European Parliament (EP) of several political groups, she called upon the European Commission to start infringement proceedings against Malta and to put a stop to the spring hunting. During her visit to Malta last year, Anja witnessed several illegal hunting activities herself. Anja also requested a debate in the EP about this issue.

Marianne with Djurens Parti in 2017

Finally, some nice news: On the 14th of April, I am going to visit our Swedish sister party Djurens Parti to help them with the preparations for the Swedish elections. I will also give a lecture that Saturday night in Stockholm about the importance of our growing political movement for animals, people and the environment. This is a public lecture, so invite all your Swedish friends and acquaintances and if you happen to be near Stockholm yourself, please join us! The number of available seats is limited, so I recommend to already reserve your free ticket here.

Until the next time!


Odličan napredak! Doživjeli smo spektakularan rast s ne manje od 33 mjesta u mjesnim vijećima općinskih izbora održanih 21. ožujka. Naš broj mjesta u gradskim vijećima gotovo se utrostručio. To smo slavili s veganskom tortom i šampanjcem u sobi zastupnika. Sve više i više glasača želi kraj kamenog doba i velikog gubitka zelenila. Mi ćemo biti zeleno sidro u svim općinama u kojima smo sudjelovali, u opoziciji ili koaliciji. Birači, tim za kampanje, svi aktivni članovi i pristaše širom svijeta: hvala!

Marianne i ostali članovi zastupništva slave

U ožujku su održani izbori u Australiji u državi Južnoj Australiji, gdje se ukupno moglo podijeliti 58 mjesta. Naša sestrinska stranka Animal Justice Party (AJP) sudjelovala je po prvi put i osvojila tisuće glasova, ali nažalost nije dovoljno za zastupničko mjesto. Australski izborni sustav otežava manjim strankama da dobiju mjesto. Ali, s ovim rezultatom izbora, AJP pokazuje da su oni ozbiljni politički čimbenici koje će druge stranke morati uzeti u obzir. Rezultat pokazuje da sve više i više Australaca želi društvo koje vodi ljubav, održivost i poštovanje svih živih bića. Čestitam, AJP i Australci!

Kampanja južno australske stranke Animal Justice Party

Dana 16. ožujka sam podnijela novi zakonski prijedlog za sveukupnu obvezu anestezije za životinje prije klanja. U Nizozemskoj već postoji zakonska obveza omamljivanja životinja prije klanja, ali iznimka je za halal i košer pokolj. Želimo izbrisati tu iznimku. Klanje životinja bez anestezije vodi do neprihvatljivih patnji životinja. Iako svaki vjernik ima pravo doživjeti svoju vjersku istinu onako kako želi, ne daje pravo na kršenje uvjerenja drugih ljudi ili dobrobit ljudi ili životinja. Za životinju nije važno koje je koljač vjere. U međuvremenu ćemo se naravno nastaviti boriti protiv cijele bio-industrije!

Ljudi ponekad misle da je dobrobit životinja dobro reguliran u Nizozemskoj. Prošli tjedan je nadglednik, nizozemska uprava za sigurnost hrane i potrošačkih proizvoda (NVWA) ustanovila da farme za perad često namjerno krše pravila o dobrobiti životinja i sigurnosti hrane. Na primjer, prečesto životinje nemaju dovoljno hrane i pitke vode. Vrijeme je da ministar poljoprivrede to ozbiljno riješi. Već smo postavili pitanja u Zastupničkom domu.

Anja Hazekamp za okruglim stolom u Europskom parlamentu o proljetnom lovu

Vijesti od naše europske skupine: Naša zastupnica Anja Hazekamp je preuzela vodstvo u borbi protiv lovljenja ptica selica na Malti. S ostalim članovima Europskog parlamenta (EP) od strane raznih političkih skupina, pozvala je Europsku komisiju za pokretanje prekršajnog postupka protiv Malte kako bi s tim ukinila proljetni lov. Tijekom njezinog posjeta Malti prošle godine Anja je sama svjedočila raznim ilegalnim lovačkim aktivnostima. Anja je također o ovom pitanju zatražila raspravu u EP-u.

Marianne s Djurens Parti u 2017

Konačno, još jedna lijepa novost: 14. travnja, ću posjetiti našu švedsku sestrinsku stranku Djurens parti kako bi im pomogla u pripremi za švedske izbore. U subotu navečer ću isto održati čitanje u Stockholmu o važnosti našeg rastućeg političkog pokreta za životinje, ljude i okoliš. Predavanje je javno, pa pozovite sve vaše švedske prijatelje i poznanike i ako ste na području Stockholma, dođite! Broj mjesta je ograničen pa vas savjetujem da rezervirate svoju besplatnu kartu ovdje.

Do sljedećeg puta!
