Worldlog 25 siječanj 2016
Nizozemska trenutno predsjeda Europsku uniju. Dobrobit životinja mora biti prioritet tijekom nizozemskog predsjedništva! Predsjedništvo EU-a naime pruža idealnu priliku da se nešto uradi u vezi, na primjer, sa dugoročnom transportu životinja po Europi ili sa rumunjskim psima lutalicama koji se masovno ubijaju na brutalan način. PvdD je bila jedina stranka koja je prošlog tjedna tijekom rasprave u Europskom parlamentu s premijerom Mark Rutte, pozvala pozornost na stanje životinja.
Nizozemska vlada je prije nekoliko mjeseci obećala u Europi staviti na kartu dobrobit životinja i to tijekom nizozemskog predsjedništva. Moja kolegica Anja Hazekamp, zastupnik za stranku za životinje u Europskom parlamentu, i ja ćemo naravno dobro pratiti dali se vlada drži obećanja!
6. Travnja u Nizozemskoj se održava referendum o predloženom sporazumu o pridruživanju između Europske unije i Ukrajine. Stranka za životinje je protiv predloženog sporazuma. Trenutno postoji mnogo polemike oko ovog sporazuma. Stoga mi se čini izvrsna ideja da se pitaju stavovi građana. No, kako Ukrajina tako i EU izgleda da u praksi već provode sporazum o pridruživanju, dok taj sporazum nije ni ratificiran! Ovim se ponovo nonšalantano odbaciju vrijednosti demokracije. Što ako ishod nizozemskog referenduma bude ‘ne’? Kako se onda možemo vratiti na staru situaciju? Ja sam o tome postavila pitanja našem premijeru. Nastavlja se.
Istraživanja su pokazala da dječje jakne s krznim ovratnicima sadrže visoke koncentracije vrlo otrovnih tvari formaldehid i etoksilat. Izmjerene koncentracije formaldehida i etoksilata u istraživanim krznenim ovratnicima su ponekad bile čak i 30 puta veće od koncentracije koja je dopušta u Direktivu za tekstile. O takvim visokim koncentracijama je poznato da su kancerogeni, da uzrokuju iritacije i mogu smanjiti plodnost. Tako da krzno nije samo okrutan, nepotreban modni proizvod, ali i predstavlja opasnost za potrošače, osobito za djecu. Zamolila sam državnu tajnicu da skine ove jakne sa tržišta i upozori potrošače o zdravstvenim rizicima. Nedavno je Nizozemska zabranila farme za krzno. Trebamo ovo nastaviti i također zabraniti prodaju krzna.
Također bih željela s vama podijeliti dobre vijesti. Hong Kong je najavio zabranu trgovine bjelokosti želi da upotrijebi snažnije mjere za rješavanje ilegalne trgovine. Ovo je fantastična vijest za očuvanje slona i jak signal za ostatak svijeta.
Slava Nove godine je bila već prije nekoliko tjedana, tako da je zapravo malo kasno za početak rada na dobrim namjerama. Ali ipak bih želila podijeliti članak ‘5 načina da postanete “klima-friendly” osoba koja jede u 2016‘.
Jer manje mesa, više povrća i više konzumacije lokalnog i organskog, nije samo dobro za zdravlje, ali i za okoliš. Ako to nije win-win situacija …
Do sljedećeg puta!
Pozdrav, Marianne
The Netherlands is currently President of the European Union. During this presidency, animal welfare should have first priority. After all, this EU Presidency is the perfect opportunity to do something about the long-distance animal transport within Europe or the Rumanian stray dogs being brutally slaughtered on a large scale. Last week during a European Parliament debate with Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Party for the Animals was the only party to demand attention for the fate of animals.
A few months ago, the Dutch government made a promise to promote the idea of animal welfare in Europe during its presidency. Naturally, my colleague and the Party for the Animals’ MEP Anja Hazekamp and I will closely monitor whether this promise is kept!
On 6 April, a referendum will be held in the Netherlands on the planned association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. The Party for the Animals is against the agreement.
At present, there is a lot of controversy around this agreement, which is why I believe it would be a good idea to ask citizens for their opinion. However, it appears that both Ukraine and the European Union have long started implementing the association agreement, despite the fact that it has not even been ratified yet! This way, the values of democracy are simply brushed aside once again. What if the outcome of the Dutch referendum will be ‘Against’? Is there still a way back? I have put forward parliamentary questions on this subject to our Prime Minister. To be continued.
Research has shown that the fur collars on children’s coats contain high concentrations of the highly toxic chemicals formaldehyde and ethoxylate. In some cases, the levels of formaldehyde and ethoxylate measured on the examined collars were up to 30 times higher than is permitted by the Textile Regulations. Such high concentrations are known to be extremely carcinogenic, to cause irritation and impair fertility. So fur is not only a very cruel and unnecessary fashion product, it is also a danger to the consumer, particularly to children. I have asked the State Secretary to take these coats off the market and warn consumers of their health risks. Fur farms have recently been prohibited in the Netherlands. Let’s stay the course by now dealing with the sale of fur.
Then there is some good news that I would like to share with you. Hong Kong has announced plans to ban the trade in ivory and impose heavier penalties on illegal trading. This is great news for the conservation of the elephant and it sends a strong message to the world.
It has been several weeks since the turn of the year, so it is a bit late for New Year’s resolutions. Nevertheless I would like to share with you this article entitled ‘5 ways to be a climate-friendly eater in 2016’. After all, eating less meat, more vegetables and more local and organic products not only benefits your health, but also your living environment. If that is not a win-win situation, I don’t know what is!
Until next time!
Kind regards, Marianne