PvdD: Rutte, zaustavite patnju milijuna životinja
Jedino PvdD spominje životinje u EU raspravi s premijerom
Stranka za životinje je u europskom parlamentu prozvala Marka Ruttea da zaustavi patnju miljuna životinja diljem Europe. Nizozemska trenutno predsjeda Vijećem Europske Unije. Europarlamentarka Anja Hazekamp želi da Nizozemska ispuni obećanje da je dobrobit životinja prioritet prilikom nizozemskog predsjedništva. PvdD je bila jedina stranka koja je tokom rasprave s Rutteom obratila pažnju na sudbinu životinja.
“Zar ne bi bilo divno da se Nizozemska pobrine za rumunjske pse lutalice te da spriječi njihovo brutalno ubijanje? Kad bi došao kraj kastraciji svinja bez anestezije? Kad bi se drastično skratio beskrajno dug put transporta živih životinja kroz Europu ali i dalje? Zbog toga imate veliku podršku Nizozemaca, mnogih Europljana, te Europskog parlamenta”, izjavila je Hazekamp u raspravi s Rutteom.
Stranka za životinje je tokom rasprave izrazila svoje nezadovoljstvo zbog neodređenosti nizozemskih planova za predsjedništvo te zbog nedostatka vizije za idućih šest mjeseci.
Only the Party for the Animals mentions animals in the EU debate with the Prime Minister
The Party for the Animals has called on Prime Minister Rutte in the European Parliament to stop the suffering of millions of animals in Europe. The Netherlands is currently President of the European Union. MEP Anja Hazekamp wants the Netherlands to fulfil its promise that animal welfare is a first priority for the Dutch presidency. The Party for the Animals was the only party asking for attention for the fate of animals.
“Would it not be wonderful if the Netherlands managed to put a stop to the brutal slaughter of Rumanian stray dogs? Or would be able to ban the unsedated castration of piglets? Or shorten the endless transports of live animals through Europe or even far beyond? You are supported in this by many Dutch citizens, by many European citizens, and by the European Parliament,” Hazekamp said during the debate with Rutte.
The Party for the Animals also criticised the vagueness of the Dutch plans for its presidency and the lack of vision for the next six months.