“Neka priroda bude prioritet tijekom nizozemskog predsjedanja EU”
Stranka za životinje smatra da bi vlada trebala iskoristiti predsjedništvo EU da napravi Europsku prirodu prioritet. Frank Wassenberg je na to pozvao vladu tijekom rasprave o lošem stanju prirode.
Europska priroda je u vrlo lošem stanju. Dvije trećine zaštićenih životinja i biljka je ugroženo. Nedavne studije sa strane Svjetskog Fonda za Zaštitu Prirode i Europske komisije pokazuju da je prostor za prirodu posebno pod pritiskom zbog proširenja i intenziviranja poljoprivrede i stočarstva.
Prema Europskoj komisiji, Nizozemska vlada ne čini dovoljno u skladu s europskim pravilima u području zaštite prirodnih područja i biološke raznolikosti. Tako da dok bi vlada trebala intenzivirati svoje napore da zaštiti prirodu, vlada sada ustvari investira u intenziviranje stočarstva, na primjer otpuštanjem kvota za produkciju mlijeka. U isto vrijeme još uvijek nisu poduzete važne mjere kao što su povezivanje djelova prirode i obnova ekosustava.
Budući da su nizozemski ambicije izostavljene, Stranka za životinje (PvdD) je u prijedlogu pozvala vladu da brzo izrazi svoje ambicije što se tiče prirode i da te ambicije širi u europskom kontekstu. Drugi prijedlog poziva vladu da izkoristi predsjedanje EU da europsku prirodu stavi visoko na dnevni red. , Prema PvdD, obnova prirode i zaustavljanje gubitka biološke raznolikosti mora biti prioritet.
Frank Wassenberg: “Posebno kada se tiče prekograničnih pitanja kao što je krhka Europska priroda, Nizozemska bi trebala preuzeti vodstvo. Vlada bi trebala iskoristiti predsjedanje EU da više urade za prirodu i biološku raznolikost u Nizozemskoj i Europi.“
The Party for the Animals believes that the Dutch government should use its EU presidency to make European nature conservation policy a priority. This was urged on by Frank Wassenberg during a debate on the poor condition of nature and wildlife.
The nature of Europe is in a very bad condition. Two thirds of all protected animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. Recent studies by the World Wildlife Fund and the European Commission among others, show that land for nature is under pressure, mainly as a result of the expansion and intensification of agriculture and livestock farming.
The European Commission feels that the Dutch government is not doing enough to honour European commitments regarding the protection of wildlife areas and biodiversity. However, instead of putting in a greater effort, the Dutch government is actually investing in further intensification of the livestock industry, for example by the abolition of national milk quotas. At the same time, important measures such as connecting wildlife areas and restoring ecosystems remain forthcoming.
Since Dutch ambitions have still not been formulated, the Party for the Animals has passed a motion asking the government to indicate its ambitions regarding the environment as soon as possible and to carry them out at European level. A second motion calls on the government to exploit its EU presidency in order to place nature conservation policy at the top of the political agenda. Restoring the natural environment and putting an end to biodiversity loss should have first priority, according to the Party for the Animals.
Frank Wassenberg: “Especially with an international issue such as the fragile nature of Europe, the Netherlands should be taking the lead. The government should exploit its EU presidency as a way of devoting itself to the cause of nature and biodiversity in the Netherlands and in Europe.”