Lokalna vlada u Maroku uvodi animal friendly mjere kako bi kontrolirala populaciju pasa lutalica
Uprava marokanske općine Tanger, na sjeveru Maroka, od sada će investirati u animal friendly i učinkovite mjere kako bi stavila pod kontrolu populaciju pasa lutalica u ovoj općini. Ovo se tiče integrirani paket koji uključuje cjepivo, sterilizaciju i identifikaciju. Općina će surađivati s lokalnom organizacijom i skloništem “Sanctuaire de la faune de Tanger” (SFT). SFT od sada godišnje dobiva oko 27.000 eura potpore.
Ova jednoglasno odobrena suradnja, prema riječima uprave općine Tanger, ima za cilj dobrobit i sigurnost kao i zdravlje građana. Gradonačelnik Tangera, Mohamed Bachir Abdellaoui, naglašava da je ova inicijativa humano rješenje za pse lutalice u Tangeru. Na taj načina općina pokazuje svoju spremnost i obavezu da zaštiti prava životinja koja shvaća ozbiljno. U Maroku živi otprilike 2 milijuna pasa lutalica. Često ih se smatra opasnima, te ih se zlostavlja i ubija. Tanger je, nakon Agadira, druga općina u Maroku koja se odlučila na animal friendly pristup u rješavanju problema pasa lutalica.
Cilj je da SFT u općini Tanger sterilizira, pruža medicinsku njegu i zajedno s marokanskim autoritetom za nacionalnu prehrambenu sigurnost (ONSSA) pokrene procjepljenost protiv bjesnoće na području općine. Životinje koje su sterilizirane i cijepljene dobivaju oznaku na uhu ili neki drugi oblik identifikacije, tako da građani i autoriteti znaju da te životinje ne predstavljaju opasnost. Općina je, pored financijske pomoći, također obećala da neće ubijati životinje označene od strane SFT-a.
Stranka za životinje u posjeti kod SFT-a u Tangeru
Prošle je godine senator Stranke za životinje, Christine Teunissen, posjetila Tanger i bila je kod SFT-a. Teunissen je bila vrlo pozitivno iznenađena poslom organizacije, posebno radom osnivača Salima (Sally) Kadaoui. Kadaoui se zajedno sa svojom organizacijom godinama zalaže za pse lutalice u Tangeru. Prije nekoliko godina započela je svoj takozvani “Hayat” program. Hayat znači “život” i program sadrži plan veterinarske obrade pasa: cijepljenje, sterilizaciju i indentifikaciju.
Ono što program Hayat čini posebno zanimljivim je to što lokalne zajednice budu obaviještene i informirane. SFT pokazuje lokalnom stanovništvu da psi lutalice mogu biti dobri zaštitnici kvarta i prijatelji. Osim toga, SFT se brine o tome da siromašne obitelji mogu brinuti o životinjama tako da im nude hranu i medicinsku pomoć. Kadaoui: “Mi širimo ljubav i suosjećanje. Svako biće zaslužuje život i poštovanje. Mi dajemo upute lokalnom stanovništvu jer nas se svih tiče. Jedino skupa možemo dalje.”
Lokalno stanovništvo se sprijateljuje s psima
Do sada je ovaj posao bio moguć jedino putem donacija iz cijeloga svijeta i zahvaljujući volonterima. Kadaoui je sretna što lokalna uprava sada prihvaća animal friendly pristup. “Ovo je odlična vijest za životinju i čovjeka. Svi naši donatori i volonteri su junaci. Vrlo smo sretni za ukazanu potporu lokalne samouprave. No, i dalje su nam potrebne donacije, jer još nije sigurno kada će subvencija doći, a moramo se i dalje brinuti za pse lutalice kako ih ne bi ubijali.”
Kadaoui svaki dan šalje obavijesti o napretku SFT-a putem Facebooka i web stranice.
The council of the municipality of Tangier in the north of Morocco will start investing in humane and effective means to control the municipality’s stray animal population. This concerns an integral package, including vaccination, neutering and identification. Tangier will be cooperating with local organisation and sanctuary for stray animals “Sanctuaire de la faune de Tanger” (SFT). This year, SFT will receive a financial support of 27,000 euros.
Founder of SFT working with local communities
This cooperation was unanimously approved and, according to the municipality of Tangier, aims to ensure the health and safety of the citizens. The Tangier mayor Mohamed Bachir Abdellaoui stresses that the initiative is also intended as a humane solution to the large stray animal population in Tangier. In this way, the municipality demonstrates that it takes its obligations with respect to the protection of animal rights seriously. It is estimated that there are currently 2 million stray dogs living in Morocco. Often, they are considered a threat, abused or killed. After Agadir, Tangier is the second municipality in Morocco making funds available for a humane approach to the animal stray population.
SFT intends to neuter and provide medical care to stray animals in the municipality of Tangier, and work with the Moroccan National Food Security Authority (ONSSA) and the local health service to launch vaccination campaigns against rabies. Animals that have been vaccinated and neutered are identified, e.g. by an ear tag, so that citizens and authorities know these animals do not constitute a danger. In addition to its financial support, the municipality has also promised not to kill any stray animals identified by SFT.
Party for the Animals’ visit to SFT
Last year, Party for the Animals’ senator Christine Teunissen visited Tangier and SFT, and she was very impressed with the work done by the organisation as well as with its founder, Salima (Sally) Kadaoui. For years, Kadaoui has been selflessly dedicating herself and her organisation to the welfare of stray animals in Tangier. A few years back, she started her so-called “Hayat” programme. Hayat means (preservation of) ’life’ and the programme involves the medical treatment, vaccination, neutering and identification of strays.
What makes the Hayat project even more interesting is that it involves and educates local communities. SFT uses Hayat to show local citizens that stray dogs can be great neighbourhood watch dogs and friends. SFT also assists poor families in taking care of their animals, by providing them with food and medical care. Kadaoui: “Our wish is to spread love and compassion. Every creature deserves life and respect. We educate and involve the local community, because this concerns us all. The only way to make progress is by working together.”
Local citizens befriend stray dogs
Until now, this work has been possible mainly by donations from around the world and by the organisation’s volunteers. Kadaoui is pleased that the local government now understands the value of a humane approach. “This is marvellous news for both animals and people. All our supporters and donors are heroes, and we are very happy with the local government’s stated support. However, we still need more donations, as it is uncertain when we will receive the grant, and we have to treat all stray animals as soon as possible to prevent them from being killed.”
Kadaoui posts a daily update on the SFT’s work on Facebook and the website.