Europa mora čekati građansku inicij­ativu za zabranu glifosata

27 veljače 2017

“Licencija za glifosat ne smije se obnoviti prije razmatranja građanske inicijative.

Stranka za životinje traži od Europske komisije da ne obnovi europsku licenciju za pesticid glifosat, prije potpunog razmatranja nedavno službeno registrirane europske građanske inicijative ‘Ban Glyphosate’. Europski parlamentarac Anja Hazekamp želi jamstva od Europske komisije da će prilikom odlučivanja o glifosatu ozbiljno uzeti u obzir građansku inicijativu.

“Povjerenje u Europsku uniju je za mnoge građane spalo na nula. Bruxelles sebi ne može priuštiti da ignorira inicijative građana,” rekla je europska zastupnica Anja Hazekamp.

Sadašnje EU-licencije za glifosat istječu početkom 2018. godine, a to se poklapa se s krajnjim rokom građanske inicijative ‘Ban Glyphosate’, koja službeno počinje 25. siječnja. Autori inicijative imaju dvanaest mjeseci da prikupe najmanje milijun potpisa. Ako to uspje, Europska komisija mora organizirati saslušanje i dati obrazloženi odgovor na zahtjev da se zabrani glifosat. “Bilo bi uvredljivo i nedemokratski kada bi odluka o glifosatu pala prije saslušanja,” rekala je Hazekamp.

Prema IARC, organu Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije koji je specijaliziran u borbi protiv raka, glifosat je vjerojatno kancerogen. Postoje i indicije da glifosata poremeće hormone. Ipak je Europska komisija u lipnju 2016. godine odlučila da produži EU-licenciju za glifosat sa osamnaest mjeseci. U početku je Komisija čak želila produžiti licenciju za petnaest godina, ali su protesti iz različitih zemalja i protesti članova Europskog parlamenta to spriječili.

Stranka za životinje se i u Saboru, i u Europskom parlamentu, bori protiv glifosata na tržištu.

Glifosat je pesticid i glavni sastojak Roundupa. Roundup je produkt koji poljoprivrednici, vlade i pojedinci koriste kao herbicid. Zbog masovne upotrebe toga produkta, mnogih ljudi i životinja dolaze u kontakt sa otrovom. Istraživanje iz 2013. godine pokazuje da je 63 posto svih Nizozemaca imalo tragove glifosata u mokraći.

“No extending of glyphosate license until citizens’ initiative is fully considered”

The Party for the Animals demands that the European Commission does not extend the European license for herbicide glyphosate until the recently officially registered European citizens’ initiative ‘Ban Glyphosate’ has been fully considered. MEP Anja Hazekamp wants the European Commission’s guarantee that the initiative will be taken into serious account with regard to their decision on the glyphosate license.

“Many citizens have lost all faith in the European Union. Brussels cannot afford to ignore citizens’ initiatives,” according to MEP Anja Hazekamp.

The current EU glyphosate license grant will expire at the start of 2018, coinciding with the end date of the citizens’ initiative ‘Ban Glyphosate’, which was officially launched on 25 January. The proposers of the initiative have 12 months to collect one million signatures. If they succeed, the European Commission will be forced to organise a hearing and give a fully reasoned response to the request to ban glyphosate. “It would be disrespectful and undemocratic if a decision on the glyphosate license is already reached at the time of the hearing,” says Hazekamp.

The section of the World Health Organisation that specialises in cancer research, IARC, has classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. In addition, there are indications that glyphosate is an endocrine disrupter. Nevertheless, in June 2016 the European Commission decided to extend the EU license for glyphosate by 18 months. Initially, the Commission even planned on extending it for 15 years, but this was avoided due to protests from several EU countries and MEPs.

The Party for the Animals has objected to continued placing on the market of glyphosate in both the Lower House and European Parliament.

Glyphosate is an agricultural toxin, its main ingredient Roundup. Roundup is used by many farmers, governments and individuals as a herbicide, and as a result of this mass use, a lot of people and animals come into contact with the toxin. A 2013 research showed that 63% of the Dutch population had traces of glyphosate in their urine.