Izborni program i lista kandidata potvrđena na kongresu stranke
Članovi stranke su 27. studenog potvrdili izborni program i listu kandidata Stranke za životinje za izbore koji će se održati 15. ožujka 2017. na kongresu stranke. Kongres je privukao mnoštvo ljudi: gotovo 500 članova odputovalo je u Zonheuvel u Doornu kako bi prisustvovalo kongresu.
Stranka za životinje kreće u izbore s planetarnim izbornim programom “Plan B”. Program sadrži više od 550 mjera za radikalnu promjenu vlade.
Listu kandidata koja sadrži 50 imena ponovno predvodi Marianne Thiema kao čelnica stranke, a slijedi je zastupnica Esther Ouwehand na drugom mjestu. Na listi također stoje i nekoliko značajnih članova poput 93-godišnjeg umjetnika Jihana de Haasa i 16-godišnja školarka i članica PINK!-a Malou Herstel. S ovim članovima stranka ima i najstarijeg i najmlađeg člana na listi koji se oboje trude Plan B prenijeti na buduće generacije.
Osim toga Stranka za životinje ima i velik broj istomišljenika, umjetnika i znanstvenika spremnih da preuzmu funkciju na listi: Charlotte Mutsaers, Maarten Biesheuvel, A.F.Th. van der Heijden, Jan Siebelink, Mensje van Keulen i Bibi Dumon Tak.
Pored profesora financijske geografije Ewalda Engelena, predstavnici iz znanstvenih krugova su i profesor Peter Nicolaï, odvjetnik državnog i upravnog prava, profesor Frank Berendse, znanstvenica okoliša i doktorandica filozofije Eva Meijer.
Osim njih na listi su i Teske de Schepper, pjevačica i videoblogerica, Anemarie Postma, spisateljica i Jan-Peter Cruiming i Volkert Engelsman, poduzetnici. Glumica Babette van Veen i Georgina Verbaan, pjevač i skladatelj Jan Rot, pjevač Dinand Woesthoff, spisateljica Mirjam Rotenstreich i voditeljica Annemiek Schrijver podržavaju stranku svojim imenom na listi.
Stranka za životinje je vrlo zadovoljna s podrškom ovih poznatih imena. Ovo je od velike važnosti za stranku koja je još od kampanje 2006. po prvi put u povijesti izabrana za parlament kao stranka koja ne stavlja potrebe ljudi u centar zbivanja.
Prvih 29 kandidata na listi
Čelnica stranke Marianne Thieme
Članovi govore na kongresu
Zastupnica Esther Ouwehand s članicom upravnog odbora Elze Boshart
At the Party Congress on Sunday the 27th of November last, the party members adopted the election programme and candidate list of the Party for the Animals for the Lower House election on the 15th of March 2017. The congress attracted many visitors: over 500 members travelled to the Zonheuvel Conference Centre in Doorn to attend the election congress.
The planet-wide election programme ‘Plan B’ is the start of the election campaign of the Party for the Animals. The planet-wide programme contains more than 550 measures to radically change the policy.
The candidate list with 50 names will again be led by leading candidate Marianne Thieme, followed by MP Esther Ouwehand in the second place. Additionally, there is many candidates at the bottom of the candidate list, including the 93-year-old artist Johan de Haas and the 16-year-old student and PINK! member Malou Herstel. With these two candidates, the Party for the Animals has the youngest as well as the oldest candidate on the list, who both propagate the importance of Plan B for future generations.
Furthermore, the Party for the Animals found many opinion leaders, artists and scientists prepared to put their names at the bottom of the candidate list. Including winners of literary awards: Charlotte Mutsaers, Maarten Biesheuvel, A.F.Th. van der Heijden, Jan Siebelink, Mensje van Keulen, and Bibi Dumon Tak.
From the field of science, the Party for the Animals is represented by Professor of Financial Geography Ewald Engelen, Professor at the faculty of Constitutional and Administrative Law Peter Nicolaï, Professor and environmental scientist Frank Berendse and PhD student of philosophy Eva Meijer.
Furthermore, there are names like Teske de Schepper, singer and vlogger, Annemarie Postma, author, and Jan-Peter Cruming and Volkert Engelsman, enterpreneurs, at the bottom of the candidate list. Also, actresses Babette van Veen and Georgina Verbaan, singer and composer Jan Rot, singer Dinand Woesthoff, author Mirjam Rotenstreich, and presenter Annemiek Schrijver support our party and have put their names at the bottom of the list.
The Party for the Animals is pleased that many prominent people support it. Their support has proved to be very important since the party’s campaign of 2006 when it was elected into parliament as the first political party in history that did not opt for short-term human interests as a starting point.
The first 29 candidates on the list
Marianne Thieme
Members have their say at the congress
MP Esther Ouwehand with board member Elze Boshart