Proboj: Cynomolgus-majmuni iz laboratorija natrag Zakladi AAP
Pet cynomolgus majmuna, koji su u 2014. Bili zaplijenjeni u luci Rotterdama, vraćeni su Zakladi AAP. Sa ovim vlada provodi usvojeni prijedlog pralamentarca Frank Wassenberga. U veljači je Ministarstvo gospodarstva odlučilo preseliti životinje iz Zaklade AAP u Biomedicinski Istraživački Centar za Primate (BPRC) u Rijswijku, na nezadovoljstvo većine parlamenta.
U 2014. na brodu iz Malezije otkriveno je pet cynomolgus majmuna, koji su na brodu plovili kao slijepi putnici. Zaklada AAP je prvu godinu i pol dana nakon otkrića vodila brigu o tim životinjima. Ministarstvo gospodarstva ostalo je vlasnik majmuna i u veljači je odlučilo za smještaj tih majmuna u laboratorij za majmune u BPRC u Rijswijku. PvdD-zastupnik Frank Wassenberg je to vidio kao nerazumnu odluku. Nazvao je BPRC “stvarno zadnje mjesto gdje treba želiti poslati te majmune“. Njegov prijedlog da se majmuni stalno smjeste kod Zaklade AAP, je podržan sa strane većine sabora.
Wassenberg je sretan o činjenici da su majmuni danas vraeni Zakladi AAP: “Zaklada AAP pola i po godine se je brinula o ovim majmunima. Oni su tu u dobrim rukama. Drago mi je da tu sada definitivno mogu ostati.“
The five Java monkeys confiscated on the port of Rotterdam in 2014 have been taken back to the Dutch monkey foundation AAP, following an adoption motion proposed by Frank Wassenberg. Last February, the Ministry of Economic Affairs decided to move the animals from the AAP foundation to the Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in Rijswijk, to the displeasure of a majority of the MPs.
In 2014, five Java monkeys were discovered as stowaways on a ship from Malaysia. The animals were first brought to the AAP foundation, where they were nursed and taken care of in the following eighteen months. The Ministry of Economic Affairs was responsible for the monkeys and in February decided to send them to the Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in Rijswijk. According to Party for the Animals MP Frank Wassenberg, this was an unwise decision. He called the BPRC “the very last place we should want to send these monkeys”. His motion to place the monkeys with the AAP foundation on a permanent basis was supported by a majority in the Lower House.
Wassenberg welcomes the fact that on 20 June, the monkeys were brought back to the AAP foundation: “The AAP foundation has looked after these monkeys for eighteen months. I am pleased that they will now be able to stay with AAP permanently, where they are in good hands.”