Ukrainian fashion designers stop using animal fur thanks to animal rights orga­ni­sation UAnimals

18 april 2018

Last week, well-known Ukrainian animal rights organisation UAnimals announced that famous Ukrainian fashion designers will stop using animal fur for their designs.

Ukrainian top designer on a UAnimals poster

For a period of six months, UAnimals has been conferring with several famous designers participating in the Ukrainian Fashion Week and campaigning via social media. Fashion Week in Ukraine is a highly popular event that attracts many visitors each year. However, many of the participating designers use fur, which has been a thorn in the side of UAnimals for many years.

The fur industry involves a great deal of animal suffering. Organisations such as UAnimals believe it to be ethically unjustified that intelligent and feeling creatures are still captured, tortured and killed, just for a piece of clothing or an accessory. Now, top designers such as Andre TAN, BEVZA, ELENAREVA, Bobkova and Ksenia Schnaider have indicated that they will no longer use animal fur.

Party for the Animals visits UAnimals

Last year, representatives of the Dutch Party for the Animals visited Ukraine, where they had a pleasant and valuable conversation with UAnimals. Karen Soeters, director of the party’s scientific bureau, gave a lecture at an event organised by UAnimals, which was marked by International Animal Rights Day.

UAnimals has also commissioned a study on the views of Ukrainians on the use of animal fur, which showed that 55% of Ukrainians are against killing animals for fur.