Worldlog Settimana 43 – 2012
La settimana scorsa il governo era in ferie, quindi oggi posso ricominciare una settimana nella camera in modo riposato. La formazione ancora e’ in atto. Vi sono poche informazioni distribuite al pubblico sulla formazione. I partiti VVD (Partito del Popolo per la Liberta’ e la Democrazia) e il PvdA (Partito del Lavoro) sono ancora in fase di negoziazione. Spero di potervi raccontare di piu’ la settimana che viene.
Un’indagine che ha visto coinvolto il quotidiano olandese “NRC Handelsblad” ha dimostrato che il Partito per gli Animali ha ricevuto il parere piu’ positivo dai suoi membri rispetto a tutti partiti. Il 100% dei membri ha un parere positivo o ottimo sul partito. Ci piace molto. Sosteniamo le nostre idee ed ideali!
Il nostro partito ha avuto un piccolo successo nel comune di Leiden. Questo comune scoraggera’ l’utilizzo di palloncini di plastica non degradabile e palloncini con corde di plastica durante gli eventi e festivita’. Questo e’ un risultato della mozione dal nostro membro Dick de Vos, che e’ stata accettata. Sembra bello utilizzare i palloncini per le festivita’, ma i palloncini scendono e possono essere nocivi per gli animali. I palloncini spesso vengono riconosciuti come cibo dagli ucelli e dagli animali marini. Mangiano i resti e di conseguenza gli animali muionoi poiche’ hanno della plastica nello stomaco. Leiden e’ il primo comune nei Paesi Bassi che ha implementato delle linee guida per scoraggiare l’utilizzo di palloncini di materiale non degradabile.
Siamo impegnati con le preparazioni della festa per il nostro anniversario. Il 28 ottobre il nostro partito esiste da dieci anni ed e’ quindi ora di fare una festa 🙂 . Sara’ un bel evento, occasione anche per dimostrare per la prima volta il documentario “La lepra nella maratona”, che tratta il Partito per gli Animali. Ci saranno piu’ novita’ in merito!
Guardate questo nel lavoro dall’artista Banksy che riguarda i “chicken nuggets”.
Voglio farvi vedere anche questo bellissimo pezzo: Piece together for peace. Riuscite ad identificare i dodici animali?
Un caro saluto, Marianne
‘The road to a European state is presented as unavoidable given the fact that we now have a single currency. If we were wise, we would argue at the upcoming European summit against the further erosion of the strong member states and for the introduction of parallel currencies alongside the euro to solve the euro crises. Any form of far-reaching integration would mean a reduction of prosperity, an erosion of democracy and the breakdown of autonomy.’
That was my message during the debate in the Lower House last week on the position the Netherlands should take at this week’s European summit. We do not wish to cooperate on a disastrous course of political and economic integration, but want to see the euro crisis solved in another manner. In today’s Europe, with all its different economies, maintaining a single currency is difficult and complex and that is why it would be good to have parallel currencies alongside the euro.
Last week we landed twice in a top 100 list 😉 Magazine Opzij has proclaimed me one of the 100 most powerful women in the Netherlands. This list of a hundred women, which is divided into ten categories, features me as a newcomer in the category “politics”. Esther and I are also in daily newspaper Trouw’s Sustainable top 100. Great!
Shocking images have come to our attention of cows being terribly mistreated for the cheese on Burger King’s Whoppers. To be fair, Burger King is more focused on animal welfare than other fast-food chains, which have not yet been filmed. You can view the images here. Be warned. The images are shocking.
The Dutch Royal Family was in the spotlight last week. The Spanish Royal Family costs five times less than its Dutch counterpart while Spain has three times as many inhabitants as the Netherlands. That’s a factor of fifteen. We want to see greater transparency on the royal budget. In times of austerity, it is crucial that the Lower House is able to monitor the rising costs of the Royal Family. Furthermore, I have asked prime minister Rutte whether the Royal Hunt Department, which has undergone a euphemistic name-change and is now known as the Royal Department for Fauna Management, in any way supports, financially or otherwise, hunts by members of the royal family.
Bhutan is setting a wonderful example for the rest of the world. The government of Bhutan has decided that all agriculture in the country is to be 100 percent biological. Go Bhutan!
People think up the craziest animal-unfriendly stunts these days to attract visitors to zoos. The owner of a Florida zoo is letting visitors swim with a young tiger for 150 dollars. Alternatively, visitors can opt to swim with an alligator for 75 dollars. But don’t worry, its jaws have been taped shut…
More news about the bizarre hobbies some people have: in a number of countries in Africa foreign tourists can legally shoot dead a buffalo, lion or elephant for just under 80,000 dollars. And people are doing it too, just because they can 🙁
View the trailer of the film A Thirsty World on water consumption in the West and the lack of clean drinking water in other parts of the world.
Have a good week! Marianne