Zabrana testiranja na životinjama diljem svijeta
Last week, the European Parliament, with the support of the Dutch Party for the Animals (PftA), called for the global ban of testing cosmetics on animals.
MEP Anja Hazekamp after the vote of the European Parliament. The text on the sign: “I just voted for a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics”
“Already in 2004, the European Union banned animal testing for make-up, creams, shampoos and other cosmetics products. Now, almost fifteen years later, they still sell cosmetics in shops that animals had to suffer for. It is now time for this ban to be maintained in the EU, and cosmetics that were tested on animals should now really be removed from the shelves worldwide,” according to the Party for the Animals’ MEP Anja Hazekamp.
The Dutch Party for the Animals points out the fact that there is still cosmetics in the shelves that were tested on animals outside Europe. “This doesn’t help animals at all”, according to Hazekamp. “The unbridled free trade that Europe focuses on means that it’s getting harder and harder to remove incorrect products from shops. It is good that the European Parliament has clearly pointed out that animal welfare has priority over the trade in cosmetics tested on animals. Additionally, it is essential to convince other countries that the testing on animal for cosmetics is unnecessary and unacceptable.”
But in Europe too, according to Hazekamp, the ban of cosmetics tested on animals is often circumvented. “For example, it is still possible to conduct animal testing under the European chemicals legislation. Brussels should therefore align all different EU legislations. It does not make a difference to the animals themselves under which law, under which exception, or for what product they are killed in the lab,” according to the MEP.
Europski je parlament prošlog tjedna, uz podršku Stranke za životinje (PvdD) pozvao na svjetsku zabranu testiranja na životinjama.
Europarlementarka Anja Hazekamp nakon glasanja u europskom parlamentu. Tekst na natpisu: ”Upravo sam glasala za svjetsku zabranu testiranja na životinjama.”
“Europska je unija već 2004. zabranila testiranje na životinjama za šminku, kreme, šampone i druge kozmetičke proizvode. Sada, petnaest godina kasnije, još uvijek u trgovinama nalazimo kozmetiku koja je uzrokovala patnju životinjama. Vrijeme je da se ta zabrana u EU uistinu počne provoditi i da kozmetika testirana na životinjama diljem svijeta nestane sa polica.” Izjavila je europarlamentarka iz Stranke za životinje Anja Hazekamp.
Niozemska Stranka za životinje ukazuje na činjenicu da se na policama i dalje nalazi kozmetika testirana na životinjama izvan Europe. “Time se za životinje ništa ne postiže.” Rekla je Hazekamp. “Neograničena sloboda trgovine kojoj Europa teži otežava da loše proizvode izbacimo iz trgovina. Dobro je da je europski parlament jasno dao do znanja da dobrobit životinja ima prednost pred trgovinom kozmetike koja je testirana na životinjama. Osim toga je bitno da se i druge zemlje uvjere da je testiranje kozmetike na životinjama nepotrebno i neprihvatljivo.”
No, i u samoj Europi se nerijetko, prema riječima Hazekamp, zaobilazi zabrana testiranja kozmetike na životinjama. “Prema europskom zakonu o kemikalijama je, primjerice, još uvijek dozvoljeno testiranja na životinjama. Stoga je bitno da Bruxelles povuče jasnu granicu u različitim EU zakonima. Samim životinjama nije bitno pod koji zakon spadaju, pod kojom iznimkom ili za koji proizvod ih se ubija u laboratoriju.” Izjava je ove članice parlamenta.