Worldlog Tjedan 11 – 2015
Prošlog sam tjedna bila na Parabere Forumu i Bilbau, Španjolska. Parabere forum je neovisna i neprofitabilna konferencija na kojoj se raspravlja o bitnim prehrambenim problemima. Ondje sam, između ostalog, razgovarala i sa Hilal Elver iz Ujedinjenih Naroda, novinarka za prava hrane. Naglasila je da nije važno povećati prehrambene proizvode, već da problemi leže u dostupnosti hrane, prijevozu stoke i bio-gorivima. Bilo je to vrlo zanimljivo okupljanje!
Prošlog mi je tjedna javljeno da smo mi kao Stranka za životinje pozvani da po drugi put plovimo zajedno s brodskom paradom za vrijeme Gay Pridea prvog kolovoza u Amsterdamu. Brodska je parada sastavni dio Amsterdamskog Gay Pridea pri kojemu se sve grupe okupe i plove Amsterdamskim kanalima. Meni je odlično što mi kao stranka tokom Gay Pridea možemo iznositi bitne teme kao što su suosjećanje i slobodna izražaja.
Naša stranka želi renovirati Gornji dom! Mi smo koncept liste kandidata za izbore novog Gornjeg doma već iznijeli. Trenutno imamo samo jedno mjesto u Gornjem domu. Prema statistikama izgleda da bismo se mi kao Stranka za životinje mogli izboriti za najmanje dva ili tri mjesta. Prema očekivanjima mogli bismo u više slučaja dati odlučujući glas u Gornjem domu. Neovisno o novom poretku u Gornjem domu, iznijet ću u Donjem domu prijedlog o zabrani ritualnog klanja bez omamljivanja životinja.
Renoviraj Gornji dom. Drži se svojih ideala! Christine Teunissen druga je na listi.
NOS, koji donosi novosti nizozemskoj javnosti, organizirao je prvog ožujka debatu nositelja lista kandidata za Gornji dom. Pri tome su bile pozvane sve vodeće političke stranke. Razlog tome bio je taj da nazočnost svih stranaka ne bi pridonijela preglednosti debate i tako je glas manjih stranaka ostao nečujan! Zato smo mi odlučili kupiti radijski termin oko debate. Ja sam snimila dva radio spota, jedan o zabrani ritualnog klanja bez omamljivanja i jedan o robovskom držanju aktualnih opozicijskih podržavajućih stranaka.
Čak 72% nizozemskog stanovništva smatra da se sportski lov mora zabraniti. No, lovci unatoč tome dobivaju podršku većine da se i dalje bave svojom razonodom. U raznim provincijama Nizozemske pokrenuta je građanska inicijativa za zabranu sportskog lova nazvana “Zaustavi sportski lov”. Meni je odlično to što su se građani ujedinili i pokrenuli inicijativu, te smo je zato odlučili i podržati.
U ovom se animiranom flimiću u šest minuta objašnjava kako smo postali ovisni o ekonomskom rastu i zašto je sadašnja situacija postala neizdrživa.
Do idućeg tjedna!
Last week, I went to the Parabere Forum in Bilbao in Spain. Parabere Forum is an independent, non-profit conference where key food issues are discussed. Here I spoke with Hilal Elver among others, who is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food. She emphasised that there is no need to increase the production of food but that the problems are, in fact, associated with access to food, cattle feed and biofuels. It was a very interesting meeting!
Last week, I was told that we, with the Party for the Animals, have been selected for the second time to join in the boat parade during the Gay Pride in Amsterdam on Saturday the 1st of August. The boat parade is an integral part of the Amsterdam Gay Pride where all groups sail in a parade through the Amsterdam canals. I think it is great that we, as a party, are given the chance to propagate major themes like compassion and freedom during the Gay Pride.
Our Party wants to ”renovate” the Senate! We have determined the draft list of candidates for the elections for the new Senate. We currently hold one seat in the Senate. In the polls, the Party for the Animals seems to have a chance to win at least two or three seats. It is expected that in many cases we will have the casting vote in the Senate. Depending on the new composition of the Senate, I will together with the Lower House faction submit a new proposal to ban ritual slaughter without stunning.
Renovate the Senate. Hold on to your ideals. Christine Teunissen is 2nd on the list.
The NOS (Netherlands Broadcasting Corporation), which provides the news for the Dutch public service broadcasting system, organised a debate of leading Senate candidates on the radio on Sunday the 1st of March. Only the major public parties were invited to this debate. They believed that the debate would not be clear and understandable if all political parties participated but that meant that the voice of the trendsetters in the debate remained unheard. That is why we decided to buy radio airtime around this debate. I recorded two radio spots, one on the banning of ritual slaughter without stunning and the other one on the slavish approach of the current Parliamentary parties supporting the minority government.
No less than 72% of the Dutch populations believes that amateur hunting should be banned. Amateur hunters are given every support by the government to continue exercising their hobby. In several provinces in the Netherlands, citizens have started an initiative against amateur hunting, called “Ban amateur hunting”. I think it is great that committed people have initiated these initiatives and we have therefore decided to support them.
In this animation it is explained in six minutes time how we have become addicted to economic growth and why this situation has become untenable.
Until next week!