Worldlog 29. svibnja 2017

29 svibnja 2017

U nedjelju 21. svibnja stotinjak je članova Stranke za životinje sudjelovali na našem 24. kongresu. Ovaj prvi kongres nakon fantastičnih izbornih rezultati nije mogao a da se ne pretvori u slavlje. Snažno rastemo: u proteklih godinu dana bogatiji smo za 2000 članova dok druge stranke uglavnom gube članove. Zahvalila sam našim članovima i biračima na uloženom trudu tokom izborne kampanje. Pet zastupničkih mjesta u Donjem domu možemo zahvaliti ljudima koji su se usudili slijediti i držati svoje ideale.

Tokom kongresa obečala sam svima: i sa pet zasluženih zastupničkih mjesta u Donjem domu nastavit ćemo izazivati establishment, više nego ikada. Nikad nečemo ličiti na fosilne političke stranke. Uskoro ćemo vas ponovno jako trebati, jer dolaze, između ostalog, i lokalni izbori i europski izbori. Nadam se da ćemo se zajedno boriti za naše ideale!

Marjan Minnesma iz Urgende, organizacije koja od temelja, osobito iz poslovnog pogleda, želi Nizozemsku učiniti održivom, održala je nadahnjujući govor o klimatskoj problematici. Marjan je divno prikazala kako Nizozemska unutar 15 godina može svoje izvore energije učiniti održivim. Marjan tvrdi da moramo i možemo postupiti drugačije po pitanju stanovanja, prijevoza, prehrane, proizvodnje i potrošnje energije. Marjanina poruka glasila je: “nemojte da vas zavaravaju, da naša zemlja unutar 15 godina može postati održiva nije idealistična, već realistična zamisao. Jedino se politika još mora probuditi.” Na tom polju je Marjan imala divan kompliment za našu stranku: “Stranka za životinje je najodrživija stranka. Zato sam i htijela održati predavanje na vašem kongresu.”

Marjan Minnesma

Igramo vodeću ulogu na državnoj razini, no i na svjetskoj razini predstavljamo dobar primjer. Naše sestrinske stranke u 17 drugih zemalja dobivaju snage kroz naš uspjeh. Za naše se ideale bore od Švicarske do Tajvana i od Brazila do Australije. Mi smo najuspješniji izvozni proizvod Nizozemske na području politike i misli. To moramo čuvati i zato ćemo se u narednim godinama zajedno s ljudima iz raznih zemalja još snažnije boriti za velike nepravde koje životinje, priroda i okoliš, te naša planeta trpe. U međuvremenu sam održala predavanje na londonskom Queen Mary University za političke filozofe i sociologe, gdje sam naglasila koliko je važno ozbiljno se brinuti o potrebama slabih (poput životinja) u demokratskom društvu.

U Donjem domu prošlog tjedna još jedan uspjeh: većina je podržala našu inicijativu prema kojoj nizozemskoj vladi dajemo zadatak da zatraži od belgijske vlade da zatvori nuklearnu elektranu u Tihange. Nuklearna centrala u waalskom Tihangenu je zastarjela i vrlo opasna.


Prošlog tjedan i tužna vijest: Roger Moore, poznat po ulozi Jamesa Bonda, preminuo je. Bio je veliki borac za prava životinja i borio se i protiv korištenja životinja u svrhu zabave. O držanju kitova ubojica u zatočeništvu divno je rekao: “Koliko dugo još moraju ove divne, inteligentne i samosvjesne životinje još patiti, prije nego shvatimo da druge (životinje)vrste na našem planetu ne postoje da bi nas zabavljale?”

Roger Moore

To je to za sada. I dalje pokušavajte nadahnjivati svoju okolinu da donosi bolje odluke za naš planet!



Hundreds of members of the Party for the Animals attended our 24th Congress on Sunday the 21st of May. This first congress was full of celebrations after the fantastic election result. We are growing strongly: in the first six months, we registered 2,000 new members while all other political parties are mainly losing members. I have thanked our members and voters for their boundless dedication. We owe the five seats in the Lower House to all those people who dared to follow their hearts and who continued to commit to their ideals.

I promised everyone at the congress: we will continue to challenge the establishment with our five respectable Lower House seats, even more than ever. We will not turn into a fossil political party. We will need all of you badly over the next period too, because the municipal elections and European elections are on their way. I am looking forward to fight for our ideals!

During the congress, Marjan Minnesma of Urgenda – a foundation that wants to make the Netherlands more sustainable from the bottom up and from a business perspective – gave an inspiring reading about the urgency of the climate crisis. Marjan showed how the Netherlands can make its energy supply more sustainable within 15 years’ time. According to Marjan we must and we are able to do things differently as regards living, transport, production and generating energy. Marjan’s message was ‘making our country more sustainable within 15 years’ time is not only idealistic but also realistic, don’t let them tell you otherwise!’ Politics must wake up. Marjan gave our party a great compliment: “The Party for the Animals is substantially the most sustainable party. That’s why I was delighted to give a reading at your congress.”

Marjan Minnesma

We have a pioneering role in the Netherlands but we also play an exemplary role globally. Our success has helped our sister parties in 17 other countries. People are fighting for our ideals, from Sweden to Taiwan and from Brazil to Australia. We are the Netherlands’ most successful export product in the field of political thoughts. We should cherish this and will fight even harder, together with people from different countries, against the injustice that animals, nature, the environment, and our planet are suffering. For example, we recently gave a reading at the London Queen Mary University for political philosophers and sociologists, where I emphasised how important it is to consider the interests of the weak (such as animals) in a democracy.

We were also successful in the Lower House last week: a majority supported our motion where we ordered the Dutch government to ask the Belgian government to close the Tihange nuclear plant. The nuclear plant in the Walloon Tihange is after all seriously obsolete.


Last week, there was also sad news: Roger Moore, known for his role as James Bond, died. He was a great advocate for animal rights and also fought against the use of animals for amusement. About holding orcas in captivity, he spoke the beautiful words: “How much longer must highly intelligent and self-aware animals suffer before we understand that other species are not on this earth for our amusement?”

Roger Moore

That’s all for now. Keep inspiring and boosting your environment to make better choices for our planet!

Kind regards,