Worldlog 11 srpnja 2016

12 srpnja 2016

U saboru se, malo prije ljetnog raspusta, opširno raspravljalo o Brexitu. Raspravljalo se o svim mogućim posljedicama, prilikama, scenarijama, prednostima i manama, ali se jedan baš istakao i o kojem sam bila jako ogorčena. Dok je Brexit prošli tjedan bio viđen kao katastrofa za Britance i britanske tvrtke, Brexit neki sada vide kao priliku za privlačenje britanskih tvrtki kontinentalnoj Europi. Naš premijer Mark Rutte želi s fleksibilnim propisima o bankarskim bonusima u Nizozemsku privuči britanske tvrtke, pogotovo bank. Mi imamo relativno stroge propise o takvim bonusima jer je ta kultura bonusa kod banka djelomično odgovorna za nastanak financijske krize!

Stranka za životinje želi da vlada univerzalno i strogo primjenjiva nizozemsku bonus-politiku. Što znači da nema iznimaka za strane tvrtke. Ja sam, nakon riječi premijera, podnijela zahtjev u kojem tražimo da se neprave iznimke za britanske banke što se tiče bonus-propisa. Većina sabora se na svu sreću slaže sa mnom i podržava moj prijedlog.


Europski parlament je prošlog tjedna usvojio prijedlog Stranke za životinje. Europski parlament traži da Japan zaustavi barbarski kitolov. Ako Japan ne posluša, to će imati posljedice za njihove trgovinske odnose s EU-om.

Moja kolegica Anja Hazekamp, europarlamentarac za Stranku za životinje, je sretna da je prijedlog sada usvojen. Ona kaže: “Nije samo naglašeno da lov na kitove prijeti opstanku životinjskih vrsta, već EU također jasno priznaje da kitolov uzrokuje jaku i dugotrajnu patnju pojedinačnih životinja. Europa time zauzima jasan stav protiv okrutnosti nad životinjama.

A Humpback Whale breaching near at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Nakon naporne borbe protiv pesticida, imam dobre vijesti. Imidakloprid, također poznat pod imenom neonikotinoid, ili lakše: iznimno opasni pesticid koji uzrokuje smrt pčela, konačno je zabranjen! Naš prijedlog za zabranu je već početkom 2014 bio usvojen, i nakon mnogo odgađanja upotreba ovog otrova je sada napokon zabranjena za vrtlare.

Ovo je značajno, jer ovaj otrov zagađuje vodu, prijeti bioraznolikosti i našoj hrani. Cvijeće i biljke su ovisne o oprašivanju pčela. Bez pčela nema povrća, voća, orašastih plodova, kave, čokolade…
BijenNa kraju bih s vama želila podijeliti ovaj zanimljiv članak o pokret za prava životinja.

Ljetni raspust je za sabor počeo ovaj tjedan. U rujnu će se moj worldlog ponovo vratiti. Do tada me možete naći na Facebooku i Twitteru.

Ugodno ljeto svima!


Just before the summer recess, Brexit was still a topic of intense debate. Various possible consequences, opportunities, scenarios, advantages and disadvantages were discussed, but there was one thing in particular which made me feel outraged. Where last week Brexit was still considered a disaster for the British people and British companies, now it is suddenly regarded as an opportunity to lure British companies to the European mainland. Our Prime Minister Mark Rutte wants to use a flexible bonus scheme to attract British companies, mainly banks, to the Netherlands. We have a relatively strict bonus scheme, since the bonus culture in banks has been a contributory factor to the rise of the financial crisis!

The Party for the Animals demands that the Dutch bonus policy is applied strictly and universally, which means no exceptions should be made for foreign countries. After the Prime Minister’s statement, I have tabled a motion stating that no exceptions should be made to our bonus policy in favour of British banks. Luckily, a majority in the Lower House shared my view and has supported the motion.


Last week, the European Parliament adopted a motion by the Party for the Animals, requiring Japan to stop its barbaric whale hunting. If Japan does not comply, there will be consequences for Japan’s trade relationship with the EU.

My colleague and Party for the Animals MEP Anja Hazekamp is pleased that the motion has been adopted: “Not only does the EU emphasise that whale hunting threatens the existence of animal species, it also explicitly recognises that whale hunting causes the severe and prolonged suffering of individual animals. By adopting this motion, Europe has taken a clear stand against animal suffering.”

A Humpback Whale breaching near at the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

After a long and hard battle against agricultural toxins, I have some good news. Imidacloprid, also called a neonicotinoid, or in simple words: a highly dangerous agricultural toxin that is responsible for bee mortality, is finally forbidden! In the beginning of 2014 our motion for a prohibition was adopted and after much delay, market gardeners are now finally prohibited from using this toxin.

This is an important development as the toxin pollutes the water and threatens biodiversity and our food supply. Many flowers and plants depend on pollination by bees. Without bees, there will be no vegetables, fruits, nuts, coffee, chocolate…


On a final note, I would like to share with you this interesting article on the animal rights movement.

Summer recess has begun in the Lower House this week. In September I will be back with a new worldlog. Until then, I am available on Facebook and Twitter.

Enjoy your summer!
