Stranka za životinje postavlja pitanja o pesti­cidama u žita­ricama

17 studenoga 2016

Jedna francuske studija pokazuje da sve vrste ne-organskog muslija (žitarice) sadrže visoke razine toksičnih pesticida. Stranka za životinje smatra da je neprihvatljivo da potrošači unose pesticide kroz navodno zdrav doručak. Esther Ouwehand je o ovoj temi postavila parlamentarna pitanja državnom tajniku za ekonomske poslove.


Francuska organizacija “Générations Futures” je 20 vrsta musli ispitala na prisutnost pesticida. Pet ispitanih organski muslija nije sadržalo pesticide. U ne-organskim vrstima muslija pronađeno je 141 različitih vrsta pesticida, u koncentracijama do 300 puta iznad normale.

Za 81 vrste pesticida se sumnja da imaju učinak ometanja rada hormona. Četiri od svih ispitanih vrsta muslija u francuskoj studiji, se također mogu kupiti u nizozemskim supermarketima. Znači da su i nizozemski potrošači također izloženi neprihvatljivim zdravstvenim rizicima.

Stranka za životinje je od državnog tajnika Van Dama zatražila pojašnjenje. Članica sabora Esther Ouwehand želi da vlada sve nizozemske vrste muslija ispita na prisutnost pesticida. Esther Ouwehand: “Građani očekuju da sa muslijem jedu zdrav doručak, ne znajući da pri tome imaju veliki riziko da u sebe ubace pesticide. Znači da je sve to vrlo nezdravo! Vlada mora poduzeti akciju protiv toga.”

Stranka za životinje je od dugo zagovornik netoksične poljoprivrede, za zaštitu ljudi, životinja i prirode. Esther Ouwehand želi od državnog tajnika Van Dama da zna koje će mjere on da poduzme da postepeno ukine korištenje pesticida.

A French study has shown that all non-organic cereals contain high levels of toxic pesticides. The Party for the Animals feels it is unacceptable that customers should ingest agricultural toxins via their supposedly healthy breakfasts. Esther Ouwehand has questioned the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs about this issue in the Lower House.


French organisation Générations Futures has analysed twenty different kinds of cereal for the presence of agricultural toxins. The five that were organic were found to be free from any pesticides. However, the non-organic cereals contained traces of no less than 141 different agricultural toxins, some in concentrations exceeding the concentrations laid down in EU standards by a factor of 300.

Moreover, 81 types of pesticides found in the cereals are presumed to have endocrine disrupting properties. Of all cereal types that were examined in the French study, four are also available in Dutch supermarkets, thereby exposing Dutch consumers to unacceptable health risks.

The Party for the Animals has requested clarification from the Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs Van Dam. MP Esther Ouwehand wants the Dutch government to have all cereals in the Netherlands analysed for the presence of pesticides. Esther Ouwehand: “Citizens assume they are having a healthy breakfast by eating cereal, but actually run the considerable risk of ingesting agricultural toxins – very unhealthy indeed! The government must take measures against this.”

The Party for the Animals has been advocating toxin-free agriculture for years in order to protect people, animals and nature. Esther Ouwehand wants to know what measures State Secretary Van Dam will take to phase out the use of agricultural toxins as soon as possible.