Stop uvozu kloni­ranih kućnih ljubimaca

30 listopada 2015

Donji dom rekao je ne uvozu kloniranih kućnih ljubimaca. Prijedlog zakona Esther Ouwehand (Stranka za životinje) prihvaćen je od većine doma.

Kloniranje životinja uzelo je maha. Predvođeni Strankom za životinje Donji je dom već 2011. rekao „ne“ kloniranju životinja za prehrambenu industriju. Zahvaljujući ovoj odluci Doma, Europska unija radi na zakonu zabrane uvoza kloniranih životinja za prehrambenu industriju. Stranka za životinje uočila je rupu u zakonu prema kojemu se pravila ne odnose na kućne ljubimce.

U ovom trenutku se u Koreji grade tvornice kloniranja gdje se petlja sa DNK-om kućnih ljubimaca s ciljem da se proizvede zdrav klon. Za svakog uspješnog klona na svijet je donešeno bezbroj unakaženih životinja koje su smaknute. Unatoč životinjskoj patnji bogati Amerikanci plačaju mnogo novaca za klonirane verzije njihovih ljubimaca.

The Lower House says no to the import of cloned animals. A motion by Esther Ouwehand (Party for the Animals) was adopted by a large majority.

Animal cloning is on the rise. In 2011, initiated by the Party for the Animals, the Lower House already voted ‘no’ on animal cloning for food production. Thanks in part to this Lower House ruling, the European Union is now working on an import ban of all cloned farm animals. However, the Party for the Animals has foreseen a loophole in this new law, since the rules do not apply to cloned domestic pets.

At present, in Korea for instance, clone factories are up and coming; places where they mix and match animal DNA with the aim of producing a viable clone. For every successful clone, numerous amounts of deformed animals are brought into this world and then killed. Despite the cruelty these animals suffer, wealthy Americans and Europeans still pay large sums of money to buy a cloned version of their pet. Now that the lower House has adopted the motion by Esther Ouwehand, the government must ensure that these clones are not allowed to enter Europe and Netherlands (anymore).

Ouwehand: “Tinkering with animal DNA is immoral and causes so much animal suffering. This applies not only to Herman the bull, but also to Fikkie 2. It is encouraging to see that the Lower house draws a clear line here when it comes to animal use!