PACMA osvojila 1 milijun glasova na državnim izborima u Španjolskoj
PACMA, stranka za životinje Španjolske, ušla je u povijest na izborima u Španjolskoj u nedjelju 20. prosinca 2015., osvojivši 1,034,617 glasova u senatu i 219,000 u kongresu.
Ova ogromna potpora svjedoči neprestanom rastu jedine stranke koja se zalaže za prava životinja u Španjolskoj. Prema trenutnom zakonu PACMA nema pravo na zastupnika. Nikad prije nije jedna stranka s toliko glasova ostali izvan vlade i parlamenta. PACMA je nadmašila glasove drugih stranaka koje su ušle u parlament i vladu. Kako bi postigli zakon prema kojemu svaki glas vrijedi jednako, PACMA će ove četiri godine raditi na tome da se ubrzano promijeni zakon o glasanju.
Bez obzira na to, ovi rezultati čine PACMAu nezaustavljivom političkom silom koja neprestano raste unatoč društvenoj i političkoj situaciji.
Prema ovim rezultatima PACMA će na idućim europskim izborima, za razliku od Španjolske, sigurno dobiti predstavnika što će biti velik korak u povijesti prava životinja u Španjolskoj.
PACMA, the animal welfare party of Spain, has made history in the Spanish elections on Sunday the 20th of December 2015, receiving 1.034.617 votes for the Senate and 219.000 for the Congress.
This wide support proves the unstoppable growth of the only party that waves the flag for animal rights in Spain. Due to the current Electoral Law however, PACMA did not get a representative. Never before a party with so many votes stayed out of the Congress and Senate. PACMA widely overcame in number of votes other parties that did get a seat in the Congress and Senate. In order to achieve a law in which every vote is worth the same, PACMA will work during this four years to demand an immediate reformation of the Electoral Law from the parties that do have representation.
Nevertheless, these results make PACMA an unstoppable political force that grows measurelessly, regardless of the social or political situation.
Keeping this results will mean that during the next European Elections with a single constituency -unlike Spain- PACMA would certainly get representation, which would hit a milestone in the history of animal rights in Spain.