Mladi nizo­zemske Stranke za životinje solidarni su s švedskim akti­vistima za klimu

12 rujna 2018

Last week, students and members of PINK!, the Dutch Party for the Animals’ youth wing, were on school strike outside the Dutch parliament to protest against the majority of the Dutch parliament’s indifference to climate change. The students wanted to show their solidarity with Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who has become an international role model to young people around the world expressing their dissatisfaction with the current climate policies.

With this solidary strike, PINK! aims to stress the importance of an appropriate climate policy. PINK! hopes students from other countries will follow their example, until governments are willing to take the future of young people seriously. The solidary strike in The Hague was led by student Matt Kanters: “We have a generation of young people who feel their interests are not adequately represented in politics. The indifference of our governments to voiceless generations is a problem as universal and transboundary as that of climate change itself and must therefore be combated with the same passion.”

Swedish and Dutch students on school strike

During their strike outside the Dutch Parliament in The Hague, the students were even taught about climate change by their enthusiastic geography teacher. The Swedish and Dutch students are supported by the various sister parties of the Dutch Party for the Animals, including the Swedish Djurens Parti, Italian Partito Animalista, Belgian DierAnimal and British Animal Welfare Party.

Geography teacher teaching Dutch students on strike outside parliament building

British Animal Welfare Party MP showing her support

Growing international opposition
Around the world, more and more young people as well as grown-ups take it upon themselves to stimulate their governments to act against climate change. In various parts of the United States, children have won lawsuits against their government who, according to the children, is conserving the status quo despite the consequences for the planet and for younger generations. In Colombia young people have won a lawsuit claiming that deforestation and rising temperatures are violating their constitutional rights to healthy food and water and a healthy environment. In Pakistan, a seven-year-old stood up to her government, accusing it of not doing enough to preserve the planet for her generation.

Školarci i članovi PINK!-e, organizacije mladih pri Stranci za životinje, prosvjedovali su prošlog tjedna ispred zgrade Donjeg doma iz protesta prema ravnodušnosti vlade u nizozemskom parlamentu po pitanju klimatskih promjena. Školarci su ovo učinili iz solidarnosti prema Greti Thunberg, švedskoj učenici koja je postala internacionalni primjer mladih koji izriču svoje nezadovoljstvo trenutnom klimatskom politikom.

Ovim solidarnim prosvjedom PINK! želi privući pažnju na potrebu adekvatne klimatske politike. PINK! se nada da će potaknuti školarce u drugim državama na prosvjed kako bi vlada ozbiljno shvatila budućnosti mladih. Solidarni je prosvjed u Den Haagu predvodio školarac Matt Kanters: “Postoji generacija mladih koji osjećaju da politika ne shvaća njihove potrebe osobito bitnim. Ravnodušnost naših vlada nad generacijama bez glasa je jednako univerzalan i bezgraničan poput problema oko klimatskih promjena, te se s time moramo boriti na jednak način.”

Školarci prosvjeduju u Švedskoj i Nizozemskoj

Školarci su tokom prosvjeda ispred Donjeg doma dobili i predavanje o klimatskim promjenama od jednog oduševljenog učitelja geografije. Švedski i nizozemski školarci imaju i potporu različitih sestrinskih stranaka nizozemske Stranke za životinje, između ostalog od švedske Djurens parti, talijanske Partito Animalista, belgijske DierAnimal i britanske Animal Welfare Party.

Učitelj geografije nizozemskim prosvjednicima drži predavanje ispred parlamenta

Politička potpora britanske Animal Welfare Party

Rastući internacionalni pokret
Diljem svijeta sve više mladih i odraslih samostalno pozivaju na akciju po pitanju klimatskih promjena. U različitim dijelovima Sjedinjenih država djeca pobjeđuju svoje vlade na sudu koji prema riječima mladih održavaju status quo na štetu planete i mlađih generacija. U Colombiji su mladi dobili slučaj na sudu prilikom kojeg su tvrdili da deforestacija i rastuće temperature krše njihova ustavna prava na zdravu hranu, okoliš i vodu. U Pakistanu se sedmogodišnjakinja pobunila protiv svoje vlade jer ne rade dovoljno kako bi za sobom ostavili održivi planet za nju i njezine vršnjake.