Kabinet sad također želi stati na kraj trgovini konjskom krvlju

6 veljače 2017

Državni tajnik Martijn van Dam založit će se za europsku zabranu uvoza krvi ždrebnih kobila. To je obećao nakon zastupničkih pitanja zastupnice Esther Ouwehand (Stranka za životinje).

Na takozvanim farmama krvi u Argentini i Urugvaju kobile su stalno ždrebne kako bi uzimali hormon plodnosti PMSG. Ovim se ždrebnim životinjama potom uzimaju ogromne količine krvi. Kobile od toga strašno gube na kilaži i postaju vrlo slabe. Ždrijebad prijevremeno pobace ili ubijaju u maternici.

Hormon plodnosti koji se ovim putem dobiva namijenjen je europskoj bio-industriji. Osobito se koristi u Nizozemskom i Njemačkom stočnom sektoru kako bi se povećala produktivnost.

Esther Ouwehand: “Kobile u ovim farmama krvi doslovno se ispijaju i sustavno zlostavljaju. Izgleda poput lošeg horor filma. Stoga treba zabraniti proizvodnju kao i uvoz PMSG-a zbog nehumanog načina ophođenja s konjima.”

Prijedlog Stranke za životinje da se PMSG zabrani u Europi već je prošle godine većinski usvojena u Europskom parlamentu. Zabrana se može provesti tek kada većina EU zemalja u Europska komisija odobri zabranu. Državni tajnik Van Dam je kao reakciju na upite zastupnice Esther Ouwehand obećao čvrsto se založiti za zabranu u Bruxellesu.

Stranka za životinje nije sama u ovome. Gotovo 1,5 milijuna europskih građana je u manje od tjedan dana potpisalo peticiju online preko stranice Avaaz.

State Secretary Martijn van Dam will seek to achieve a European ban on the import of blood of pregnant horses. He promised to do so after questions were raised by MP Esther Ouwehand (Party for the Animals)

At so-called blood farms in Argentina and Uruguay, mares are continuously made pregnant to produce the PMSG hormone. Large amounts of blood are then tapped from the pregnant mares. These horses become extremely thin and weak as a result. The foils are aborted prematurely or are cut out.

The fertility hormone that is produced this way is intended for the European bio-industry. Especially the Dutch and German livestock industry use this hormone to increase their production.

Esther Ouwehand: “The horses at these blood farms are literally drained of blood and are systematically abused. It’s like a bad horror film. Both the production and the import of PMSG must therefore be banned to stop this inhumane abuse of horses.”

The Party for the Animals’ proposal to ban PMSG in Europe was already accepted with a majority of votes in the European Parliament last year. However, the ban can only come into force if a majority of the EU countries and the European Commission agree with the ban. State Secretary Van Dam promised in his reply to MP Esther Ouwehand’s question that he will make every effort in Brussels to enforce the ban.

The Party for the Animals was not alone in its request. In just one week’s time, more than 1.5 million European citizens signed the petition of the online campaign network Avaaz.