World first: affordable vet care for all in Australia
A proposal for universal healthcare for animals by the Australian Animal Justice Party was unanimously adopted in parliament in the state of Victoria. The ‘Veticare’ bill means veterinary care for pets will be subsidized or even free – depending on their human companion’s income. Also, state-funded wildlife hospitals will improve care for wild animals in need. A global first, that will make animal health care accessible for all -and- help solve an urgent vet shortage in Australia. A win-win for wildlife, domestic animals and their human companions, animal rescuers and vets.
MP Andy Meddick of Animal Justice Party Victoria, and a visualization of the ‘Veticare’ proposal.
The Animal Justice Party’s Veticare bill is a response to Australia’s national vet crisis. Staff shortage and the increased number of people living with animal companions since the COVID pandemic have put vets under pressure and caused prices to rise. The result: limited access to animal care, more euthanized or abandoned animals, less animals receiving the care they need.
The Veticare proposal provides for government-funded public veterinary hospitals, a fixed annual fee for pet owners and a fee for treatment depending on the pet companion’s financial situation. Animal rescuers will receive free animal care, in recognition of the contribution they make to protecting animals. Vets who are now taking care of wild animals in need in their own time and from their own resources will be reimbursed. Moreover, special dedicated wildlife hospitals will be set up to improve wildlife care and to further reduce the burden on other clinics.
"This isn’t just a win for companion animals and wildlife - but for hardworking vets and vet nursing teams," MP Andy Meddick of the Animal Justice Party Victoria and initiator of the Veticare proposal said. “Now we need to keep up the support as we work on next steps with the government,” he adds, calling upon people to add their signature to his call to transform vet care.
Vote for animals, people and planet
MP Andy Meddick and his fellow upper house candidates and AJP members campaigning for the upcoming state elections.
The Animal Justice Party is Australia’s single eco-centric animal rights party and part of the growing worldwide movement for animal politics. With representatives in several states and councils, it is putting the protection of animals, nature, climate and biodiversity on the political agenda. It is effectively campaigning for the end of live animal transport, factory farming, the rabbit meat industry, greyhound and horse racing, the cruel hunt on kangaroos, ducks and dingo’s, the use of wild animals for entertainment, the destruction of nature and wildlife habitats, and more.
In the upcoming Victoria state elections in November, the Animal Justice Party is standing with 88 Lower House and over 16 Upper House candidates, one of whom is MP Andy Meddick, standing for re-election. “On November 26, vote with your heart! Vote for Animals. Vote for People. Vote for the Planet!”