Elections in Portugal: Vote for People, Animals and Nature (PAN)!

6 mars 2024

Our Portuguese sister party, Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (PAN), is taking part in Portugal's upcoming national elections on 10 March. Although PAN currently has only one elected representative in the Portuguese Parliament, is the opposition party with the highest number of approved proposals.

The party was established in 2009 and gained legal status in 2011. This was also the year in which the party's first parliamentary representative was elected. PAN has been working diligently to make Portugal more animal-friendly, compassionate, and environmentally conscious ever since.

The party has proven to be a more effective and productive political force than other parties with several representatives in parliament. In total, 45 legislative initiatives proposed by PAN were approved, marking significant progress in the promotion of animal welfare, environmental conservation, and crucial social measures for individuals and families.

One of the proposals referred to above is a project that calls for the establishment of public veterinary hospitals in Portugal and the abolition of VAT on animal feed purchased by animal protection associations. In addition to this, PAN successfully campaigned for the free use of public bicycles and free public transport for young people.

PAN has also stood out in the fight against corruption through its approved National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2025-2028. Additionally, the party has made significant contributions to society, such as the successful implementation of a training and employment programme for homeless people and an extension of the social energy rate to the benefit of more than 200,000 households.

Now, the party aims to strengthen its representation in parliament in order to become even more successful on behalf of people, animals and the planet. Are you eligible to vote in Portugal? Vote PAN!

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