Marianne Thieme kandi­dat­kin­ja–­no­sitelj liste Stranke za Životinje

2 svibnja 2016

Marianne Thieme je ponovno od strane vodstva stranke postavljena na poziciju nositelja liste Stranke za životinje za nadolazeće izbore. Marianne Thiema izjavila je da je spremna voditi listu za Stranku za životinje.

Predsjednik stranke Floriske Van Leeuwen: “Prema anketama držimo između 4 do 5 mjesta, udvostručenje trenutnih mjesta koje držimo u Donjem domu. Marianne Thiema uživa samo najveće poštovanje od ostalih vođa stranaka. Prema istraživanju Mauricea de Honda, 14-18% birača vidi Stranku za životinje kao realnog kandidata kojemu će dati svoj glas. Naš je prepoznatljivi glas odjeknuo među sve većim brojem birača.”

Ovo je vidljivo i iz rastućeg broja članova; prošle je godine Stranka za životinje ponovno bila najbrže rastuća politička stranka prema broju članova. Kad bi Stranka za životinje mogla ostvariti očekivani porast broja mjesta u domu do idućih izbora, onda se stranka može još glasnije istaknuti u parlamentu.

The party executive of the Party for the Animals will re-nominate Marianne Thieme as party leader during the next general elections. Marianne Thieme has made it known that she is prepared to be party leader for the Party for the Animals.

Party Chairman Floriske Van Leeuwen: “The polls show that the Party for the Animals has a consistent number of four to five seats in Parliament, which is a doubling of our current number of seats in the Lower House. Of all party leaders, Marianne Thieme is valued the most among the party’s supporters. Research by Maurice de Hond shows that 14-18 % of the voters is seriously considering to vote for the Party for the Animals. Our unique voice is reaching more and more voters.”

This is also evident from the growth in the number of members: in the last year, the Party for the Animals has again been the fastest growing political party in terms of membership. If the Party for the Animals will be allocated at least the expected doubling of parliamentary seats during the next general elections, the party shall have a casting vote in Parliament in even more issues.