Rastući svjetski pokret – Animal Politics Meeting u Den Haagu

16 srpnja 2016

Od 14. do 17. srpnja u Den Haagu su se okupile europske stranke za životinje za godišnji Animal Politics Meeting. Ove su stranke dio rastućeg svjetskog pokreta grupa i stranaka koje kratkoročne potrebe ljudi ne stavljaju u prvi plan, već im je u fokusu cijela planeta i svi njezini stanovnici. Najbitniji sastojci ovog trodnevnog okupljanja bili su prijenos znanja, izmjena iskustava i učvršćivanje veza. Skup je organizirao Animal Politics Foundation, organizacija koja organizira internacionalne aktivnosti Stranke za životinje.


Diljem svijeta ima više od 15 stranaka koje se zalažu za potrebe životinja, prirode i okoliša. Broj i dalje raste, kao i njihovi uspjesi. Ne samo u Nizozemskoj, već i u Portugalu (PAN), Njemačkoj (Tierschutzpartei), Australiji (Animal Justice Party) i Tajvanu (Trees Party) raste broj predstavnika ovih stranaka.

U Portugalu PAN ima svoje predstavnike u tri vijeća , a od prošle godine i u nacionalnom parlamentu. PACMA, španjolska stranka, napisala je povijest na nacionalnim izborima prošlog srpnja s više od 284,000 glasova za kongres i 1,2 milijuna glasova za senat. No, unatoč ogromnom broju glasova, nisu ostvarili mjesto u senatu zbog izbornog sistema u Španjolskoj. No, to ne znači da stranka nema utjecaja. Stranke za životinje su poput zeca u maratonu. Tako, primjerice, ove godine nema Fesivala de la Vega u Španjolskoj. Zahvaljujući PACMA-i je ovaj festival, prilikom kojeg su stotine muškaraca ganjali bika kako bi ga potom okrutno ubili, izgubio dozvolu.

U Ujedinjenom kraljevstvu je Animal Welfare Party prvo sudjelovala u Škotskoj i Sjevernoj Irskoj. U Londonu je stranka osvojila 1% glasova. Finska Animal Justice Party uspjela je skupiti dovoljno potpisa kako bi se stranka i službeno registrirala. U Australiji je tokom izbora ovog mjeseca porasla potpora Animal Justice Party, što u Victoriji može rezultirati i mjestom u senatu.

From 14 to 17 July 2016, European parties for animals gather in The Hague for the annual Animal Politics Meeting. They are part of a growing worldwide movement of groups and parties that do not put the short-term interests of man in the pivotal position, but the entire planet and áll her inhabitants instead. During the meeting in The Hague transferring and exchanging knowledge and strengthening cooperation are key ingredients. The conference is organised by the Animal Politics Foundation, the foundation responsible for the Party for the Animals’ international activities.


At the moment, there are over 15 parties for animals worldwide that are dedicated to the interests of animals, nature and environment in politics. In The Netherlands (Partij voor de Dieren), Portugal (PAN), Germany (Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz), Australia (Animal Justice Party) and Taiwan (Trees Party), these parties have representatives. The number of parties for animals is still growing, and so is their support.

In Portugal, the party for People, Animals and Nature (PAN) is represented in three councils, and since last year also in national parliament. PACMA, the Spanish party for animals, wrote history in the national elections of last June with over 284,000 votes for the Congress and 1,200,000 votes for the Senate. Despite the large number of votes, the party is not awarded any seats in the parliament – unprecedented in Spanish parliamentary history. This is because of how the electoral system and the electoral district work in Spain. However, not having a seat does not mean not having influence. Parties for animals are like pacers in the marathon. In Spain, thanks to PACMA there will be no Tora de la Vega festival this year, an event where hundreds of men chase after a bull and then kill it with lances.

In the UK, the Animal Welfare Party was standing for the first time in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and in London they got almost 1% of the votes. The Finnish Animal Justice Party succeeded in getting enough signatures to register the party officially. In Australia, the elections earlier this month show that the support for the Australian Animal Justice Party is growing, which in Victoria may result in a seat in the Senate.

At the Animal Politics Meeting subjects such as preparing for the next elections, building a strong party structure and campaigning experiences are shared by the seven countries attending.