Australijska stranka za životinje traži potpunu zabranu izvoza živih životinja
24 April 2018 – More than twee weeks ago, videos from a whistleblower exposed serious cruelty in Australian sheep exports, where thousands of animals died an awful death because of the heat and stress. The videos caused a shock wave throughout Australia and beyond. The Animal Justice Party (AJP), the Australian party for the animals, is demanding a total ban of the export of live animals and asks people all over the world to sign their petition to enforce changes to the policy and law. Meanwhile, international support has come for AJP’s call.
Every year, 6.5 million Australian sheep are shipped to the Middle East and Africa, where they will ultimately be slaughtered. The animals are crammed together on a transport vessel for two months with little food or water, at temperatures that may exceed 40 oC. Such vessel can hold at least 20,000 sheep and it takes 1 to 4 days to load it. During the sea voyage, any dead, dying, sick or wounded sheep are thrown into milling machines and their remains are dumped in the sea. The circumstances on board of these vessels are incredibly cruel. The whistleblower’s videos show, for example, how the terrified sheep are swimming in the excrements and urine of the sheep on the upper floors. On average 8% of the animals will not survive such a gruelling voyage. Others become crippled or get the painful virus infection ecthyma, which is also called “scabby mouth”.
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) and animal rights organisations emphasise that it’s not an incident on the videos but that this is customary practice in the entire cattle transport. The AJP, the Australian party for the animals, has been fighting against cattle transports for years and tries to put the larger parties under pressure to collaborate in changing the legislation and policy in respect of cattle transports and animal welfare. Between August 2018 and May 2019, federal elections will be held in Australia and the AJP thinks that it will gain several seats. Meanwhile, the party is calling everyone in the world who stands for a fair society to sign the petition against animal transports. You can do so here.
“We will not stop until we see a complete ban on live animal exports. As Australia’s only political party for animals, we will continue to relentlessly put pressure on Labor and Liberal Members of Parliament and candidates to acknowledge that changing the law to ban live animal exports is not only the best option for animals, but for everyone involved. Sheep are intelligent, affectionate, inquisitive, emotional beings, born into a situation they didn’t choose. They don’t have the power to get out of these situations – but we have the power to help them – and we owe them nothing less than whatever it takes to end their pain and suffering, and create a world where they are protected from cruelty and indifference,” says AJP.
24. travnja 2018. – Prije više od dva tjedna prikazani su videoisječci zviždača koji su otkrili ozbiljne probleme u australijskom izvozu ovaca, gdje tisuće životinja umire strašnom smrću izazvanom vrućinom i stresom. Prikazi su izazvali val šoka i nevjerice diljem Australije, ali i izvan njezinih granica. Australijska stranka za životinje, Animal Justice Party (AJP) zatražila je potpunu zabranu izvoza živih životinja i moli građane diljem svijeta da potpišu njihovu peticiju kako bi se mogle čim prije provesti zakonske promjene. U međuvremenu je pristigla internacionalna potpora pozivu AJP-a.
Svake godine se 6,5 milijuna australijskih ovaca prevozi na Bliski Istok i u Afriku, gdje se u konačnici zakolju. Životinje se čak do dva mjeseca prevoze stisnute na transportnim brodovima s malo vode i hrane, na temperaturama i do 40 oC. Na jednom takvom brodu prevozi se minimalno 20,000 ovaca i sam ukrcaj traje 1 do 4 dana. Tokom prekomorskog putovanja se mrtve, umirujuće, bolesne ili ozlijeđene ovce bacaju u drobilice, a ostaci se bacaju u more. Uvjeti na tim brodovima su nevjerojatno okrutni za ovce. Na videoprikazima zviždača možete primjerice vidjeti kako smrtno uplašene ovce plivaju u izmetu i urinu drugih ovaca sa gornjih paluba. Oko 8% životinja preživi ovaj put. Druge postanu hrome ili se zaraze bolnom virusnom infekcijom ecthyma koja se naziva i “scabby mouth”.
Animal Justice Party (AJP) i organizacije za prava životinja naglašavaju da isječci ne prikazuju incident, već standardnu praksu u prijevozu stoke. AJP, australijska stranka za životinje, se već godinama bori protiv prijevoza stoke i pokušava pritisnuti druge veće stranke da surađuju i promijene zakone i praksu prijevoza stoke te dobrobiti životinja. U međuvremenu stranka poziva sve ljude svijeta koji se zalažu za pravedan suživot da potpišu peticiju protiv transporta životinja.To možete ovdje.
“Nećemo stati dok ne vidimo kompletnu zabranu izvoza živih životinja. Kao jedina australijska stranka za životinje mi ćemo i dalje vršiti pritisak na laburističke i liberalne članove parlamenta i kandidate kako bi prihvatili da promjena zakona koja zabranjuje izvoz živih životinja nije samo najbolja opcija za životinje, već i za sve uključene. Ovce su inteligentne, suosjećajne, radoznale i emocionalne životinje, rođene u situaciji koju nisu izabrale. One nemaju moć izvući se iz te situacije, ali mi imamo moć da im pomognemo. I ne dugujemo im ništa manje nego da poduzmemo sve mjere moguće da ih poštedimo boli i patnje, te da stvorimo svijet u kojemu su zaštićene od okrutnosti i manjka suosjećanja.” Izjava je AJP-a.