Portuguese emigrants in EU: vote for a green and just future, vote PAN!
Next weekend, on March 12th and 13th, Portuguese emigrants living in Europe have a chance to vote for a green, just and compassionate future. As Portugal and the rest of the world are facing different crises, the party Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (People-Animals-Nature, PAN) wants to make radically different choices for positive change. With creative solutions which benefit the welfare of humans, animals and the environment. You can help them, by giving them your vote.
The team of Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (People-Animals-Nature).
The Portuguese Legislative Elections were already held in January this year, but there was a problem with Portuguese emigrants’ votes in Europe. That is why that part of the election will be done again on the 12th and 13th of March. The party Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (People-Animals-Nature, PAN) is calling on all Portuguese in Europe to take a stand for a green planet, for a just and sustainable economy and for the welfare of all living beings.
Rogério Castro, PAN’s candidate for the elections and an emigrant himself: “The vote of Portuguese emigrants in Europe needs to be represented in the National Parliament of Portugal. We are at an important crossroads in history. Our environment is in very bad shape. Our current economic growth model is ravaging our planet and inflicting immense suffering on people and animals. Now more than ever, we need a voice for sustainability and compassion in politics. PAN is the only party in the Portuguese political spectrum that is fully committed to changing course. We stand for a just and sustainable transition. We understand that Earth’s natural resources are scarce and need to be protected. PAN is also the only party that defends the protection of all forms of life, including animals. The only party that understands that animals and nature have rights that need to be guaranteed too. That knows that regarding human rights there’s still a long way to go.”
Rogério Castro (PAN’s candidate for the elections) and PAN’s leader Inês de Sousa Real with Esther Ouwehand, party leader of the succesful Dutch Party for the Animals during an anti-war protest.
PAN also shows awareness of the challanges that Portuguese emigrants in Europe face. Among the proposals in PAN’s political program, is the idea for a team of social advisors in every embassy to help Portuguese emigrants with emigration matters, an European network of student accomodations and providing free of charge language courses.
You can read PAN’s full electoral program (available in Portuguese only).
Unique worldwide political movement
PAN is part of a new worldwide political movement of parties for animal rights and our planet. There are now 21 parties like this in the world and this movement keeps growing. In The Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Australia they already have elected representatives on different levels of government.