The Animal Justice Party of Finland, EOP, is a political organization, whose aim is to make Finland a society that accepts the rights of all animals. They seek:
- Justice, freedom from speciesism
- An end to the use of animals in the machinery of production
EOP has been born from the will to move animal rights into the arena of political discussion and decision-making.
- 23 אפריל 2024 Help the Finnish Animal Justice Party back into the Party Register
- 21 ספטמבר 2022 Stop advertising for meat and air travel! Dutch world first gets international following
- 30 אפריל 2021 Esther’s Blog: Team Planet in action!
- 21 אפריל 2021 New Zealand bans live animal export! Parties for the Animals worldwide push EU to follow suit
- 21 מאי 2019 Marianne's Blog: “May we have your votes, please?”
- 6 מרץ 2019 Worldlog Marianne Thieme – Leader of the Party for the Animals