German party for the animals organises mass protest against the livestock industry

27 June 2017

The German party for the animals, Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz (for short: Tierschutzpartei), is organising a great protest against the livestock industry to be held on 19 August in Frankfurt/Main. With this protest, the party wants to mobilise people to awaken the government and society to take action against the mass animal suffering in intensive animal farming.

The party does not prompt attention for animal suffering in the livestock industry only (i.e. mutilation without anaestesia and battery cages) but also for the dangerous consequences of the intensive animal farming for people. After all, this livestock industry is contributing to the rise of the sea level, global hunger, destruction of forests, resistance against antibiotics, and pollution.

The Tierschutzpartei calls on everyone to join. However, they emphasise that extreme right ideologies are not welcome during the demonstration. Everyone seen carrying symbols or other materials of extreme right groups such as the NPD, AfD and Pegida will be asked to leave.

More information can be found here on Facebook.