Founded in 1993 as the first animal party in the world. Tierschutzpartei (full name: Partei, Mensch Umwelt, Tierschutz) sees humans, the environment and animals as one unity. If we want to save our planet, we have to see humans, environment and animals as one package. A sustained outlook on the world is necessary. Not "each on their own", but "all together for our planet"!
- 24 יוני 2024 EU elections: more than 1,5 million votes for the animals!
- 15 מאי 2024 European Parties Reshape the Political System by Advocating for Animal Representation
- 17 ינואר 2024 Building a Compassionate Movement at the World Conference
- 4 נובמבר 2021 Esther’s Blog: Let’s act now for honest and green policies around the world!
- 20 אוקטובר 2021 Eco-centric animal rights parties win in elections in Germany and Portugal
- 30 אפריל 2021 Esther’s Blog: Team Planet in action!
- 21 אפריל 2021 New Zealand bans live animal export! Parties for the Animals worldwide push EU to follow suit
- 24 מרץ 2021 Dutch Party for the Animals gains in parliamentary elections: 6 seats!
- 21 ינואר 2020 EU bans bee killer thiacloprid thanks to Party for the Animals
- 24 ספטמבר 2019 Political parties for animal rights are leading the most important animal welfare union in the European Parliament