House of Representatives: no tax money to Ukrainian mega factory farm
The Dutch House of Representatives does not want to spend tax money on mega factory farms in the Ukraine. Soon, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will handle a new 85 million Euro European tax money grant for mega factory farms. On 13 October 2015, a majority of the House of Representatives has approved a motion by the Party for the Animals that demands that the government votes against this grant tomorrow.
One of the largest poultry factories in the world, Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), has Dutch and European tax money to thank for its existence. Already half a million of European tax money has been invested in loans and subsidies for this mega factory in the Ukraine, which annually slaughters 300 million fast-reared broiler chickens. Soon, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will discuss a new 85 million Euros European tax money grant in a conference. The Netherlands is a fellow board member of the EBRD.
Last week, the minister of finance informed the Dutch House of Representatives through a letter that he sees no reason not to agree with the new grant of the Ukrainian mega factory farm. However, a majority of the Dutch House of Representatives endorses the PvdD motion that demands that the government votes against this grant.
Marianne Thieme: “In 2012, the Dutch House of Representatives has already instructed the government not to finance mega factory farms abroad in any way with a motion of the PvdD. The minister of finance can therefore not agree with a new mega loan for this Ukrainian mega factory. The Dutch House of Representatives has once again explicitly voted against this today.”
The Dutch House of Representatives does not want to spend tax money on mega factory farms in the Ukraine. Soon, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will handle a new 85 million Euro European tax money grant for mega factory farms. On 13 October 2015, a majority of the House of Representatives has approved a motion by the Party for the Animals that demands that the government votes against this grant tomorrow.
One of the largest poultry factories in the world, Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), has Dutch and European tax money to thank for its existence. Already half a million of European tax money has been invested in loans and subsidies for this mega factory in the Ukraine, which annually slaughters 300 million fast-reared broiler chickens. Soon, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will discuss a new 85 million Euros European tax money grant in a conference. The Netherlands is a fellow board member of the EBRD.
Last week, the minister of finance informed the Dutch House of Representatives through a letter that he sees no reason not to agree with the new grant of the Ukrainian mega factory farm. However, a majority of the Dutch House of Representatives endorses the PvdD motion that demands that the government votes against this grant.
Marianne Thieme: “In 2012, the Dutch House of Representatives has already instructed the government not to finance mega factory farms abroad in any way with a motion of the PvdD. The minister of finance can therefore not agree with a new mega loan for this Ukrainian mega factory. The Dutch House of Representatives has once again explicitly voted against this today.”