Inter­na­tional stray dog confe­rence in Madrid

27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017

Dutch Party for the Animals (PftA) and Spanish sister party PACMA are organising an international conference for sister parties and animal welfare organisations on the stray dog problem. The conference will take place from 28th of September till 1st of October in Madrid.

Participants from all over the world – from Spain to Taiwan, Georgia to Australia and Colombia to Ecuador – will meet, share knowledge and inspire one another with the aim of reaching animal friendly solutions to the worldwide stray dog problem through politics. Prominent experts, such as spokespersons for the International Companion Animal Management (ICAM) coalition, will share their expertise with the attendees.

As part of the conference, Marianne Thieme will on the 30th of September give a lecture in Madrid’s Museo Lázaro Galdiano. Being the party’s founder and political chairman, Thieme will discuss the PftA’s role in encouraging the animal rights debate in the Netherlands as well as abroad. She will also outline the importance of political interference in improving the status of animals, nature and the environment. The lecture is already sold out, but there might be some last-minute tickets available at the door.

Growing international movement

The Party for the Animals is the world’s first political party representing not only short-term human interests, but the interests of the entire planet and all its inhabitants. Being electorally successful, the party currently has 53 elected representatives, five of which are in the Dutch Parliament, two in the Dutch Senate and one in the European Parliament. There are currently 18 parties for animals worldwide.